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Where I Became

Where I Became weaves the stories of 14 South African women who, though hailing from diverse backgrounds, all grew up under the oppressive system of Apartheid. When offered the opportunity to leave South Africa and study at Smith College under a full scholarship program, each woman summoned courage, faith, and determination in leaving home and family for the opportunity of a lifetime.

Set against the backdrop of the complex history of apartheid in South Africa, we follow the journeys of these women, narrated in their own voices and depicted in personal photos, archival footage, and present-day interviews, as they grow up in South Africa and come into their own at Smith. The tapestry of these women's stories is made richer by the indelible bonds of long-lasting friendship and sisterhood, which were forged in their resolve to leave everything that was familiar, in pursuit of education, and a chance for a better life.

Where I Became shares deeply personal reflections on coming of age, the difficulties of facing great challenges with determination and resolve, and the power of embracing one's identity and journey. In a world that so often rejects those who dress differently, speak differently, or come from a far-away place, Where I Became offers a much-needed uplifting tale of hope and courage.

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