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We All Like Plantain

View on the Pragda STREAM site

And when he woke up, Black Lives Matter was also Spanish. Photographer Rubén H. Bermúdez, whose 2018 book "Y tú, ¿por qué eres negro?" was a pivotal moment in the visibility of the Afro-descendant community in Spain, now presents the audiovisual evolution of his work.
In this compelling and mature ensemble film, Bermúdez relinquishes the camera to seven individuals of African descent in Spain, empowering them to craft a film that delves into self-representation, grappling with doubts in an intimate, fragmented, and necessarily partial portrait.
The screen becomes a canvas for the diverse and nuanced stories of these individuals—capturing their skins and bodies in private moments, where they speak, listen, and vulnerably expose themselves in a powerful exploration of identity and community.

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