It’s the first day shooting a low-budget film. The director tries to shoot…
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Bianca manages a precarious living as a talented but underemployed actress in Rio de Janeiro, performing for private events dressed as movie icons. Troubled by the belief that she has missed her big break, Bianca's situation is upturned by an audition that leads to a rare opportunity.
Craft is about everyone that longs to live with dignity and, exclusively, from the work they chose and love. People who conscientiously choose a path where reaching the goals is an endless day to day struggle to excel and break the barriers on the way.
Main credits
Pizzi, Gustavo (film director)
Pizzi, Gustavo (film producer)
Teles, Karine (actor)
Pellegrini, Camilo (actor)
Roland, Dany (actor)
Muller, Otávio (actor)
Borges, Caví (film producer)
Other credits
Cinematography, Paulo F. Camacho; editor, Paulo Camacho, Gustavo Pizzi; music, Iky Castilho, Letícia Novaes, Lucas Vasconcellos.
Distributor subjects
Women; Labor Studies; Cinema Studies; Economics + Social Class Issues; SociologyKeywords
00:03:07.250 --> 00:03:08.250
00:03:09.125 --> 00:03:10.167
Hi Mom!
00:03:10.834 --> 00:03:12.125
Is everything ok?
00:03:13.042 --> 00:03:15.083
Fine here.
00:03:16.500 --> 00:03:17.542
00:03:19.334 --> 00:03:21.542
Are you going by yourself or
is she coming with you?
00:03:24.542 --> 00:03:26.626
Oh! Indeed!
Otherwise one dies!
00:03:31.626 --> 00:03:32.626
00:03:34.083 --> 00:03:35.250
And when are you coming
to see me?
00:03:39.000 --> 00:03:40.209
When are you visiting me?
00:03:43.500 --> 00:03:44.500
What a pity.
00:03:48.500 --> 00:03:50.334
No, don't you worry.
00:03:53.626 --> 00:03:57.042
Yes... Yes.
00:03:57.709 --> 00:03:58.751
Ok then.
00:03:59.584 --> 00:04:00.667
00:04:01.417 --> 00:04:02.459
I love you, OK?
00:04:03.250 --> 00:04:05.209
Kisses. Bye.
00:04:31.500 --> 00:04:33.459
Good Afternoon Everybody!
00:04:39.667 --> 00:04:43.667
You are only ugly
if you want it
00:04:44.209 --> 00:04:49.667
Dona Zaira beautifies
any woman
00:04:50.167 --> 00:04:55.000
Curly, straight,
short, long, or dyed hair
00:04:55.042 --> 00:05:01.167
With the right cut,
your face can shine
00:05:01.500 --> 00:05:06.250
Nice nails, nice wax
00:05:06.542 --> 00:05:11.209
A massage, some gossip
00:05:11.250 --> 00:05:16.292
Self care is good
and invigorates
00:05:16.375 --> 00:05:19.375
Each one as they are
00:05:20.375 --> 00:05:23.500
Everybody is perfect
00:05:25.834 --> 00:05:28.876
Everybody is perfect
00:05:30.292 --> 00:05:32.167
Come and visit Dona Zaira
beauty parlor.
00:05:32.209 --> 00:05:33.375
Opening today.
00:05:36.709 --> 00:05:37.792
Good afternoon!
00:05:39.584 --> 00:05:42.626
You are only ugly if you want it,
00:06:47.250 --> 00:06:48.334
-Thank you.
00:06:48.375 --> 00:06:49.375
00:06:50.375 --> 00:06:52.292
-Good luck!
00:06:52.375 --> 00:06:54.292
Juliana de Souza.
00:06:55.375 --> 00:06:57.250
-How are you?
-Fine. And you?
00:06:57.292 --> 00:06:58.250
Were you in there?
00:06:58.292 --> 00:06:59.459
-And how was it?
00:07:00.292 --> 00:07:02.250
00:07:03.250 --> 00:07:04.375
00:07:04.542 --> 00:07:06.542
-You came for which role?
00:07:06.584 --> 00:07:08.459
-Me too.
00:07:08.500 --> 00:07:10.417
Maybe it's everyone for Veronica.
00:07:10.459 --> 00:07:12.417
That's it then...
00:07:12.459 --> 00:07:14.459
They are going for every type
aren't they?
00:07:14.500 --> 00:07:17.542
It was great.
You made a small confusion.
00:07:18.292 --> 00:07:20.250
It was great.
Are you nervous?
00:07:20.292 --> 00:07:23.459
-Yes, a little bit.
-Don't be. Ok?
00:07:23.542 --> 00:07:25.209
Now I'm going to ask you
00:07:25.250 --> 00:07:29.250
I want to see something
that's related to your life.
00:07:29.292 --> 00:07:31.250
Improvise something.
00:07:31.292 --> 00:07:32.417
-Another text?
-Another text. Ok?
00:07:32.459 --> 00:07:35.542
Forget this one.
Make something new?.
00:07:40.542 --> 00:07:43.334
Well. I'll talk about
the last show I was in.
00:07:43.375 --> 00:07:44.334
00:07:44.375 --> 00:07:48.500
I got depressed afterwards
00:07:48.542 --> 00:07:49.500
00:07:49.542 --> 00:07:51.292
-Ok! No big deal.
-It was great.
00:07:51.334 --> 00:07:53.417
-It's better not to use it, OK?
00:07:53.459 --> 00:07:56.459
It was just to show that....
I can do it. Like this.
00:07:56.500 --> 00:07:59.334
-Is that it?
00:07:59.375 --> 00:08:01.459
-Thank you.
-You're welcome.
00:08:02.375 --> 00:08:03.375
It was great.
Thank you.
00:08:03.417 --> 00:08:04.417
This way, Bianca.
00:08:05.417 --> 00:08:08.375
You can leave your bag
on that chair.
00:08:11.667 --> 00:08:12.667
00:08:13.375 --> 00:08:15.375
Walk to the mark
on the floor please.
00:08:18.250 --> 00:08:19.375
00:08:20.542 --> 00:08:23.209
Show your name, please.
Alright! Big smile!
00:08:23.250 --> 00:08:25.250
Your profile, please.
00:08:26.250 --> 00:08:27.542
Ok. The other side.
00:08:29.542 --> 00:08:32.667
Leave it on the floor
and take your time.
00:08:55.417 --> 00:08:57.542
I want to make
an honest film.
00:08:58.417 --> 00:09:00.667
I'm sorry I forgot to tell you
I am a bit hoarse.
00:09:01.209 --> 00:09:03.459
-It's alright
-I have pharyngitis.
00:09:03.584 --> 00:09:05.500
The medicine
is not working yet.
00:09:05.542 --> 00:09:07.375
I'm going to sound a bit hoarse.
I'm sorry, OK?
00:09:07.417 --> 00:09:08.417
Go ahead.
00:09:13.375 --> 00:09:15.375
I want to make an honest film.
00:09:17.250 --> 00:09:19.500
A film that has no lies at all.
00:09:19.542 --> 00:09:22.250
Because I have
a very simple thing to say.
00:09:22.542 --> 00:09:26.417
And I would like my film to
be a little useful to everyone.
00:09:26.459 --> 00:09:30.667
To help us bury all
the dead things we carry.
00:09:34.250 --> 00:09:37.250
But I'm the first one not to have
the courage to bury anything.
00:09:39.250 --> 00:09:41.250
I want to make a delicate film,
00:09:43.459 --> 00:09:47.542
with a delicacy that you don't have
to open your eyes wide to see it.
00:09:50.334 --> 00:09:52.375
I want to make a film
that talks about me.
00:09:54.542 --> 00:09:56.542
Because that's what I know best.
00:09:57.542 --> 00:09:58.542
00:09:59.459 --> 00:10:01.292
talking about me
00:10:01.542 --> 00:10:04.459
I hope it can talk
about everyone else.
00:10:12.334 --> 00:10:13.542
Great! Very good.
00:10:14.542 --> 00:10:15.542
00:10:16.292 --> 00:10:19.375
Can you improvise something
for me now?
00:10:19.542 --> 00:10:20.584
I'm sorry. What?
00:10:20.667 --> 00:10:24.292
Improvise something.
00:10:26.375 --> 00:10:28.500
-About...? Anything?
-Whatever you like.
00:10:28.542 --> 00:10:30.542
Something related
to your own life.
00:10:31.334 --> 00:10:32.334
Is that OK?
00:10:35.375 --> 00:10:36.375
00:10:38.667 --> 00:10:40.542
-Can I get something in my bag?
00:10:40.584 --> 00:10:42.292
To use...
00:11:22.334 --> 00:11:26.250
Happy Birthday
00:11:27.375 --> 00:11:30.292
To you...
00:11:32.375 --> 00:11:35.542
Happy Birthday
00:11:36.542 --> 00:11:40.375
To you...
00:11:47.292 --> 00:11:50.584
Happy Birthday
00:11:51.542 --> 00:11:56.667
Mr. Thomas...
00:11:58.375 --> 00:12:02.500
Happy Birthday
00:12:04.250 --> 00:12:08.292
to you...
00:12:10.542 --> 00:12:14.500
What's that? Why this scene?
00:12:14.542 --> 00:12:16.500
Because I do that for a living.
00:12:16.542 --> 00:12:20.542
-I work at an events company.
-I understand.
00:12:20.626 --> 00:12:25.334
I do Carmen Miranda, Marilyn Monroe,
Bettie Page, several other characters.
00:12:25.375 --> 00:12:28.292
Hello, hello, hello.
How's everyone?
00:12:28.459 --> 00:12:31.334
-Pedro, Pedro Pedro.
-Good Morning.
00:12:31.459 --> 00:12:34.334
-Let's do it?
00:12:34.375 --> 00:12:35.334
Good Morning!
00:12:35.375 --> 00:12:38.292
-Hello Rodrigo.
-How are you?
00:12:38.334 --> 00:12:39.667
-Everybody happy?
-Hi sweetie!
00:12:40.250 --> 00:12:43.292
-Are you sleepy Julia?
00:12:43.334 --> 00:12:46.250
-Pedro I need to tell you something?
-I told her to lay down.
00:12:46.292 --> 00:12:48.334
-Go to sleep Julia.
-Is that ready?
00:12:48.375 --> 00:12:49.417
Do you want to test it?
00:12:49.459 --> 00:12:51.209
-Good Morning.
-Have you fixed it?
00:12:51.250 --> 00:12:53.292
-I had a very weird dream.
00:12:53.334 --> 00:12:55.250
I hade the weirdest dream.
00:12:55.292 --> 00:12:57.584
I had the same dream I had
when I was a child.
00:12:58.292 --> 00:12:59.500
-Crazy, right?
-What was it?
00:12:59.542 --> 00:13:02.417
I was at a circus and there was
an elephant at the ring.
00:13:02.459 --> 00:13:04.334
I walked in to the ring
to see it closely.
00:13:04.375 --> 00:13:05.542
He stepped on me
and crushed me flat.
00:13:05.584 --> 00:13:09.334
I ended up like a cartoon,
turned bi dimensional.
00:13:09.375 --> 00:13:10.500
I walked like this.
00:13:10.542 --> 00:13:13.334
Make this work. Call the guy.
You've got to pressure him.
00:13:13.375 --> 00:13:15.500
-I've already done that.
-I want to see things here.
00:13:15.542 --> 00:13:17.209
I think I must have remembered
the other dream.
00:13:17.250 --> 00:13:18.667
You understand? Dam it!
00:13:19.459 --> 00:13:21.500
-I brought 3 pans.
-It was all very colorful.
00:13:21.542 --> 00:13:25.334
We'll begin in a minute ok?
Just a moment.
00:13:25.375 --> 00:13:27.584
We have to work, man.
He has to bring stuff down.
00:13:27.626 --> 00:13:32.250
-I have this recurring dream.
-He has to bring the set things.
00:13:32.375 --> 00:13:33.542
We don't have much time.
00:13:33.584 --> 00:13:36.584
For God's sake man.
Call him! Pressure him!
00:13:37.626 --> 00:13:39.375
And I can't come down.
00:13:40.459 --> 00:13:43.500
I keep on looking to the ground.
I can't come down
00:13:43.542 --> 00:13:46.584
but it's not comfortable
up there.
00:13:47.542 --> 00:13:49.459
But I can't come down.
00:13:50.250 --> 00:13:51.500
I look to the ground
00:13:51.542 --> 00:13:55.334
and the feeling I have
is that if I could go down
00:13:55.375 --> 00:13:58.584
I would wish to vanish
under it.
00:14:00.417 --> 00:14:01.459
That's weird.
00:14:03.292 --> 00:14:04.334
My goodness!
00:14:04.375 --> 00:14:06.584
-Do you have recurring dreams?
00:14:06.667 --> 00:14:09.500
Sometimes I dream
00:14:09.542 --> 00:14:12.542
I'm in a forestlaid
under a tree.
00:14:13.542 --> 00:14:16.500
I want to climb up the tree
to see the view from up there.
00:14:16.542 --> 00:14:20.500
But the trunk is to sleek
and the first branch is too high.
00:14:20.542 --> 00:14:22.250
I can't reach it,
00:14:22.542 --> 00:14:24.542
but I have the feeling that
if I get to it
00:14:24.584 --> 00:14:26.584
I could climb up
the tree very easily.
00:14:26.626 --> 00:14:28.542
As if I was going up the stairs.
00:14:29.375 --> 00:14:32.542
But I never did.
00:14:33.375 --> 00:14:35.292
I always wake up before it.
00:14:41.375 --> 00:14:45.334
I had a crazy idea.
Let Stela do it on your place.
00:14:45.375 --> 00:14:48.375
Just to try something here.
Ok Rodrigo?
00:14:49.375 --> 00:14:50.542
Let's change
it just quickly.
00:14:51.334 --> 00:14:52.417
Go, go, go.
00:14:52.459 --> 00:14:55.334
-But I refer to her as a woman right?
-Yes, yes, yes,
00:14:55.375 --> 00:14:56.375
00:14:58.250 --> 00:14:59.250
00:15:01.375 --> 00:15:02.542
-Hello darling.
00:15:04.459 --> 00:15:05.417
00:15:05.459 --> 00:15:07.334
-I told you about her, remember?
-Yes, I do.
00:15:07.375 --> 00:15:09.459
-How are you?
-Fine and you?
00:15:10.292 --> 00:15:12.209
Filipe, the door man asked me
to tell you
00:15:12.250 --> 00:15:15.334
they are going to shut down the water
for two or three days.
00:15:15.375 --> 00:15:17.209
00:15:17.459 --> 00:15:19.250
-In this heat!
00:15:19.292 --> 00:15:20.667
Be my guests.
00:15:21.250 --> 00:15:22.500
Would you like coffee
or water?
00:15:22.542 --> 00:15:24.334
-Some water.
-Me too.
00:15:24.375 --> 00:15:26.250
-Get us some water Bianca.
-Can I get it?
00:15:26.292 --> 00:15:27.417
Yes. You should!
00:15:27.459 --> 00:15:30.334
-Sit here Leticia.
00:15:30.375 --> 00:15:31.542
Sorry. Cecilia.
00:15:32.250 --> 00:15:34.417
Ok. But come closer to me.
00:15:35.667 --> 00:15:37.500
Bianca must have told you
00:15:37.542 --> 00:15:39.292
To work here with me,
00:15:39.334 --> 00:15:43.500
you must know
4 important things , OK?
00:15:43.542 --> 00:15:48.500
Availability. Commitment.
Sympathy and Endurance.
00:15:49.584 --> 00:15:53.209
Some people will be rude to you.
Won't take the flyer...
00:15:53.250 --> 00:15:56.334
You have to always insist.
Insisting is key.
00:15:56.375 --> 00:15:59.292
You will work on your feet
for a long time. Hours.
00:15:59.334 --> 00:16:02.250
But with a big smile
on your face at all times.
00:16:03.375 --> 00:16:06.417
You must have already talked to Carlinhos,
about the money thing, right?
00:16:06.459 --> 00:16:08.500
Carlinhos wasn't in his office,
00:16:08.542 --> 00:16:11.334
so we called him and he said
you could see to it.
00:16:11.375 --> 00:16:12.500
00:16:12.542 --> 00:16:16.209
But anyway,
talk to him afterwards.
00:16:16.250 --> 00:16:18.500
-You are Bianca's friend?
-She works with me at the company.
00:16:18.542 --> 00:16:20.292
-Show people too?
00:16:20.334 --> 00:16:21.417
-Actress too?
00:16:21.459 --> 00:16:24.459
Ok. Great.
So do it for me.
00:16:25.500 --> 00:16:26.542
00:16:28.250 --> 00:16:30.334
-Isn't she an actress?
-Yes she is.
00:16:30.375 --> 00:16:32.209
-Don't you work with Bianca?
-She does.
00:16:32.250 --> 00:16:35.375
-Isn't she a theater actress?
-I am but...
00:16:35.417 --> 00:16:38.375
Give me the water baby,
and do it for me.
00:16:38.417 --> 00:16:40.500
-Pretend I am a client.
-Do I really have to do it?
00:16:40.542 --> 00:16:42.417
-That sucks.
00:16:42.459 --> 00:16:47.459
Do you think it's just like that?
Life sucks baby. Come on.
00:16:47.542 --> 00:16:49.334
-I just make something up?
-Life sucks.
00:16:49.375 --> 00:16:51.459
-She doesn't need that.
-Yes she does.
00:16:52.250 --> 00:16:52.626
Let's go?
00:16:52.667 --> 00:16:55.334
-Hi, Good evening.
-Good evening.
00:16:55.375 --> 00:16:57.500
This is the Big Blond Blast.
00:16:57.542 --> 00:17:01.667
It's a wonderful party for people
who enjoy funk beats.
00:17:02.375 --> 00:17:03.375
00:17:05.250 --> 00:17:07.542
It's a great party.
Lots of beautiful people...
00:17:07.584 --> 00:17:09.375
Hey guys...
00:17:09.500 --> 00:17:14.626
-No, Big Blond Blast! I love funk!
-I totally dig it! Got to go!
00:17:14.667 --> 00:17:16.500
Lots of pretty girls there.
00:17:17.375 --> 00:17:20.167
-Are you coming?
-I won't. But then...
00:17:20.209 --> 00:17:22.250
That Is a pity.
There will be no fun.
00:17:22.292 --> 00:17:25.500
It will be fun.
The place is gorgeous.
00:17:25.542 --> 00:17:27.250
You are gorgeous.
00:17:27.292 --> 00:17:28.500
-Lots of beautiful people...
-You are beautiful.
00:17:28.542 --> 00:17:29.584
Prettier than you?
00:17:29.626 --> 00:17:32.375
-Free drinks...
-Some people are like that, isn't that so?
00:17:32.417 --> 00:17:33.417
Some guys are jerks.
00:17:33.459 --> 00:17:36.292
You have to understand that
99% of man are assholes.
00:17:36.334 --> 00:17:37.292
-I know.
00:17:37.334 --> 00:17:42.334
-They've even grabbed Bianca's ass once.
-No way.
00:17:42.375 --> 00:17:44.500
I never worked in a mini skirt
or things like that.
00:17:44.542 --> 00:17:47.334
The guy tried but I went back
and kicked his ass.
00:17:47.375 --> 00:17:49.459
He is always alert.
00:17:57.292 --> 00:18:00.334
-Real good gossip. Really good.
00:18:08.459 --> 00:18:10.292
Let's go! We can go now.
00:18:12.375 --> 00:18:16.250
It's an amazing costume party.
Five floors. Several DJs.
00:18:16.292 --> 00:18:17.500
-Are you Alice?
-No. Bianca.
00:18:17.542 --> 00:18:22.500
-But you look like Alice.
-Ah! The costume? A semi dead Alice...
00:18:22.542 --> 00:18:24.667
Good Evening!
00:18:25.667 --> 00:18:28.250
Maki Guti in Rio Party.
00:18:28.292 --> 00:18:33.542
With this flyer it's R$35,00
and there's Japanese food all night long.
00:18:34.417 --> 00:18:40.209
-Take three. Thank you!
-Not there. On the table.
00:18:52.542 --> 00:18:54.667
They just did what you said.
00:18:55.626 --> 00:19:01.334
I told them.
The buffet is for free.
00:19:01.375 --> 00:19:04.667
-And they were like: What's for free?
-Oh my!
00:19:11.292 --> 00:19:13.375
Why is Filipe always
bugging me?
00:19:14.542 --> 00:19:17.250
You are almost a zombie
at work!
00:19:17.292 --> 00:19:19.500
-Felipe is a nice guy.
-He is not.
00:19:19.542 --> 00:19:24.500
-Marcia is flirting with him...
-She is his favorite one
00:19:24.542 --> 00:19:27.667
-Stop it!
-Flirting with the boss...
00:19:32.250 --> 00:19:34.375
You've got the best costume
why are you complaining?
00:19:36.542 --> 00:19:39.250
The best one is Bianca's.
00:19:41.459 --> 00:19:42.667
It's a killer!
00:19:47.375 --> 00:19:49.542
-How are you going home tonight?
00:19:50.542 --> 00:19:52.459
I don't know.
00:19:53.375 --> 00:19:54.667
It's going to
be a late night.
00:19:55.626 --> 00:19:59.667
-We didn't talk to him about this.
-Let's take a van.
00:20:00.209 --> 00:20:02.250
Let's go together
because I'm scared.
00:20:02.375 --> 00:20:04.417
The van is OK.
It's very quick.
00:20:04.459 --> 00:20:05.542
Ok, we go together.
00:20:11.375 --> 00:20:12.375
I'm full.
00:20:13.375 --> 00:20:14.375
Was it good?
00:20:15.375 --> 00:20:17.584
-Did you bring it?
00:20:19.459 --> 00:20:21.667
-I had nothing at home.
00:20:22.459 --> 00:20:24.667
I had nothing to bring.
00:20:26.334 --> 00:20:29.250
-Little by little one fills the pot.
-That's true.
00:20:29.500 --> 00:20:31.626
You should do the beer gig
00:20:32.542 --> 00:20:34.375
Some extra cash.
00:20:34.459 --> 00:20:36.417
I'm broke but I'm proud,
00:20:39.584 --> 00:20:42.250
They pay almost nothing...
You work like a slave.
00:21:33.667 --> 00:21:35.626
-I called you.
-No, you called Carlinhos.
00:21:35.667 --> 00:21:36.626
I'm Bianca.
00:21:36.667 --> 00:21:39.626
I want you to go to the kitchen
and get the cake.
00:21:39.667 --> 00:21:41.459
Bring it with the candles lit.
00:21:41.542 --> 00:21:43.334
Sing Happy Birthday.
00:21:43.375 --> 00:21:44.584
-Happy Birthday, right?
00:21:44.667 --> 00:21:48.459
-Read the note and go away.
00:21:48.542 --> 00:21:50.626
Would you like me
to read the note with an accent
00:21:50.667 --> 00:21:52.542
as if I was American or not?
00:21:53.667 --> 00:21:56.375
-You do it the way you like.
00:21:57.375 --> 00:21:58.626
I don't want...
00:21:59.667 --> 00:22:01.500
Don't get too close to daddy.
00:22:01.542 --> 00:22:05.417
Sitting on his lap,
kissing him,
00:22:05.667 --> 00:22:07.542
touching him...
00:22:09.459 --> 00:22:12.375
My mother is an old lady,
she might get embarrassed.
00:22:15.584 --> 00:22:17.459
You don't take off your clothes,
do you?
00:22:19.542 --> 00:22:21.375
I'm not a hooker.
00:22:21.459 --> 00:22:22.542
I'm an actor.
00:22:23.375 --> 00:22:26.334
-You don't need to worry.
-No... I didn't mean that...
00:22:26.375 --> 00:22:28.375
I understood what you meant.
00:22:28.542 --> 00:22:31.375
You should have chosen
something else because Marilyn...
00:22:32.334 --> 00:22:35.292
-I do Carmen Miranda, Bettie Page, several others.
00:22:35.334 --> 00:22:37.375
I'm very professional by the way.
00:22:38.459 --> 00:22:39.500
Alright then.
00:22:39.542 --> 00:22:42.584
-Could you pay me now?
-Oh yes,
00:22:44.417 --> 00:22:45.584
Here it is.
00:22:46.292 --> 00:22:48.667
Cash it on Monday
as we agreed, OK?
00:22:50.459 --> 00:22:51.459
May I start?
00:22:53.584 --> 00:22:55.459
Give me five minutes.
00:22:55.542 --> 00:22:58.250
I want to take pictures
of everything.
00:22:58.334 --> 00:22:59.375
You look great!
00:23:26.292 --> 00:23:32.459
Happy birthday to you...
00:23:32.667 --> 00:23:39.417
Happy Birthday to you...
00:23:39.542 --> 00:23:43.292
Happy birthday
00:23:43.375 --> 00:23:46.626
Mr. Robison,
00:23:48.584 --> 00:23:52.500
Happy Birthday
00:23:53.375 --> 00:23:56.584
to you...
00:23:57.375 --> 00:24:00.459
Blow the candles,
Blow the candles...
00:24:50.542 --> 00:24:54.334
Sorry, I had started a roast beef,
I asked the girl, but she's spoiled it.
00:24:54.375 --> 00:24:57.250
I like it with of orange juice
and she didn't put it.
00:24:57.292 --> 00:24:59.667
-Are you eating now?
-No, no. Stay here.
00:25:00.375 --> 00:25:02.417
I asked her to do it now.
00:25:02.459 --> 00:25:04.250
-Is your mom well?
00:25:04.292 --> 00:25:06.334
Long time no see her,
is she coming?
00:25:06.375 --> 00:25:07.459
No she is working a lot...
00:25:07.500 --> 00:25:10.542
She works...
She should take some days off...
00:25:12.375 --> 00:25:15.417
You are very late Bianca...
Really late
00:25:15.459 --> 00:25:18.292
I have to talk to you about it,
00:25:18.334 --> 00:25:20.417
because the next rent
is almost due now.
00:25:20.459 --> 00:25:22.500
-Are you going to pay for both months?
-No just the past due one.
00:25:22.542 --> 00:25:24.500
-And you are going to be late again?
-No I'll pay it on time.
00:25:24.542 --> 00:25:27.375
Please. I have all my bills.
00:25:27.626 --> 00:25:30.500
I think everyone has to be more...
00:25:31.334 --> 00:25:35.334
More committed to things.
Be responsible for what you do.
00:25:35.375 --> 00:25:39.626
Mom is taking a lot of medicines.
They are very expensive.
00:25:41.542 --> 00:25:44.459
-Is she alright?
-Yes, yes. She is old.
00:25:44.542 --> 00:25:46.417
At that age
you have to give them medicine.
00:25:46.459 --> 00:25:48.667
She has pains
God knows where...
00:25:51.584 --> 00:25:53.417
I like your mother a lot.
Is she coming?
00:25:53.459 --> 00:25:55.250
-You said she is not coming?
-She is working...
00:25:55.292 --> 00:25:56.334
I like her a lot.
00:25:56.375 --> 00:25:59.375
I wanted you to know that
because of her, and of you...
00:25:59.417 --> 00:26:03.250
I saw you in your mom's belly,
00:26:03.292 --> 00:26:05.334
I make you this price,
that is almost...
00:26:05.375 --> 00:26:08.209
It's less than half
of what that apartment is worth.
00:26:08.250 --> 00:26:12.292
That area is very valued.
00:26:12.375 --> 00:26:15.542
And I'm always in debt with people.
And what's my excuse?
00:26:15.584 --> 00:26:18.334
My tenant, she likes to...
00:26:18.375 --> 00:26:20.375
She has a work
that is not an occupation.
00:26:20.417 --> 00:26:23.250
She likes to do her stuff.
00:26:23.292 --> 00:26:26.667
When you are a certain age,
you may dream.
00:26:27.375 --> 00:26:30.667
You must dream. It is important.
Then wake up.
00:26:31.459 --> 00:26:34.417
I wanted to ask you this.
Because it makes me sad.
00:26:34.459 --> 00:26:37.334
I didn't want to talk to your mother.
Is she coming to town?
00:26:37.375 --> 00:26:40.292
-No she is working a lot.
-You see?
00:26:40.334 --> 00:26:42.626
She works a lot
and you are here doing your thing.
00:26:42.667 --> 00:26:45.459
-I work a lot too.
-But then what?
00:26:45.500 --> 00:26:49.250
Talk to the people there.
Maybe they are under paying you.
00:26:49.334 --> 00:26:52.500
Do you think you get
what you deserve?
00:26:52.542 --> 00:26:54.584
Efigênia you are totally right.
I'm wrong.
00:26:54.626 --> 00:26:57.375
I know you are paying.
There's no right or wrong.
00:26:57.417 --> 00:26:58.334
You know sweetie.
00:26:59.375 --> 00:27:02.500
How can I tell the mechanic
I'm wrong and not pay?
00:27:02.542 --> 00:27:05.500
It's a commitment
We have to have it
00:27:05.542 --> 00:27:09.542
So see if you can get it right
the next time
00:27:09.584 --> 00:27:12.292
-I would really like to help.
-I'm sorry. You are so right.
00:27:14.292 --> 00:27:15.584
-Can you give me a receipt?
00:27:15.626 --> 00:27:17.417
I don't want to take your time.
00:27:21.459 --> 00:27:22.542
A green wallet.
00:27:24.500 --> 00:27:26.334
-Good idea.
-Very cute, isn't it?
00:27:28.375 --> 00:27:29.459
Two Reais.
00:27:29.500 --> 00:27:31.334
-You paid two Reais for this wallet?
00:27:31.375 --> 00:27:33.500
-Where do you find such cheap things?
00:27:33.542 --> 00:27:36.375
It's beautiful.
It goes with your...
00:27:36.417 --> 00:27:38.209
Next time I'll bring you one
00:27:38.250 --> 00:27:41.209
It's a party. Maki Guti in Rio.
A costume party.
00:27:43.542 --> 00:27:47.292
Excuse me guys.
It's going to be great. Go there!
00:27:50.375 --> 00:27:51.375
00:27:52.584 --> 00:27:53.584
00:27:56.209 --> 00:27:58.250
Hi! How are you?
00:28:05.542 --> 00:28:06.667
00:28:14.250 --> 00:28:15.250
00:28:17.250 --> 00:28:18.250
No, sure.
00:28:19.292 --> 00:28:22.375
Yes I can. I can.
I'll stop everything now.
00:28:22.459 --> 00:28:23.459
00:28:26.375 --> 00:28:27.626
You have my address, right?
00:28:29.250 --> 00:28:30.250
00:28:32.459 --> 00:28:33.500
00:28:34.417 --> 00:28:35.542
It will. It will.
00:28:36.292 --> 00:28:37.250
Thank you.
00:28:37.459 --> 00:28:38.459
00:29:03.542 --> 00:29:07.334
-Bianca! Let's work.
-Sure. I'm sorry
00:29:07.375 --> 00:29:09.417
-It's not lunch time yet.
-I know. Sorry.
00:29:09.459 --> 00:29:11.334
-I just had to answer this call.
-Let's go.
00:29:11.375 --> 00:29:13.292
00:29:15.250 --> 00:29:16.459
Thank you. I'm sorry.
00:29:37.542 --> 00:29:41.626
00:30:31.667 --> 00:30:34.542
Code 31. Can you take a look
at the chart please?
00:30:36.542 --> 00:30:39.417
-See if this number is correct.
-This is an old chart.
00:30:40.500 --> 00:30:44.542
-It won't do.
-I'll start all over, then.
00:30:45.542 --> 00:30:50.542
-I'll start all over, then.
-May I help you?
00:30:51.626 --> 00:30:56.334
We can only give this information
from the 16th on.
00:30:56.375 --> 00:30:58.542
Excuse me.
Good afternoon.
00:30:59.375 --> 00:31:01.292
-I'm looking for Mr. Constantino.
-It's me.
00:31:02.667 --> 00:31:05.584
Good afternoon Mr. Constantino,
I have a delivery for you.
00:31:05.667 --> 00:31:07.542
-For me?
00:31:07.667 --> 00:31:11.626
I'd like to ask for a round of applause
for Mr. Constantino,
00:31:11.667 --> 00:31:15.542
the newest retired man
of this institution.
00:31:16.542 --> 00:31:18.459
You may open it please.
00:31:18.584 --> 00:31:20.250
Mr. Constantino,
00:31:20.292 --> 00:31:23.417
I was ordered to inform you
that unfortunately from now on
00:31:23.459 --> 00:31:26.250
you'll have to wear an uniform.
00:31:26.334 --> 00:31:29.375
The Pajamas!
Take a look at those fine pajamas!
00:31:33.250 --> 00:31:37.250
Your work mates
will miss you a lot,
00:31:37.375 --> 00:31:38.626
and they wish you,
00:31:38.667 --> 00:31:43.250
an honored and honest man,
tirelessly dedicated to work
00:31:43.292 --> 00:31:45.542
a retirement filled with rest,
00:31:45.584 --> 00:31:49.209
trips, joy, cards games,
00:31:49.250 --> 00:31:52.500
but specially, Mr. Constantino,
lots of parties!
00:31:53.375 --> 00:31:55.334
Party time!
00:31:58.375 --> 00:32:01.292
-Congratulations Mr. Constantino!
-Thank you very much!
00:32:02.626 --> 00:32:05.542
Party time!
Where are the drinks?
00:32:05.667 --> 00:32:08.667
Free drinks! Open bar!
00:32:09.292 --> 00:32:11.459
No thanks.
00:32:11.542 --> 00:32:17.250
Enjoy the party! Have fun!
Good bye people!
00:32:19.500 --> 00:32:23.375
Bye Mr. Constantino!
00:32:26.250 --> 00:32:35.375
Constantino! Constantino!
00:32:35.417 --> 00:32:37.459
Speech! Speech!
00:32:40.459 --> 00:32:43.584
I'm very thankful to all of you.
You've helped me a lot.
00:32:45.584 --> 00:32:47.334
You may put your things down.
00:32:47.375 --> 00:32:48.500
00:32:52.667 --> 00:32:55.542
It's beautiful here. Wow!
00:32:59.542 --> 00:33:01.626
-I live right up there.
00:33:02.417 --> 00:33:03.500
00:33:04.542 --> 00:33:06.334
-Would you like some coffee?
00:33:06.375 --> 00:33:07.375
Sit down.
00:33:15.375 --> 00:33:17.334
-Sugar or sweetener?
00:33:17.375 --> 00:33:19.292
I'm on a diet.
00:33:19.667 --> 00:33:21.667
It seems a lot.
00:33:22.417 --> 00:33:25.542
But mostly
they are just small references.
00:33:25.667 --> 00:33:29.250
What is important is marked.
00:33:29.292 --> 00:33:31.250
You are going to see
a bunch of characters
00:33:31.292 --> 00:33:33.542
that Thomas thinks
are related to the work
00:33:33.584 --> 00:33:38.459
but he is using a lot of the things
you told him. Your life stories...
00:33:38.542 --> 00:33:44.459
of working with pamphlets,
on bars and on the streets,
00:33:44.500 --> 00:33:49.667
and Marilyn, your impersonation
of Carmen Miranda
00:33:50.250 --> 00:33:53.375
He wants to include all that
in the story,
00:33:53.500 --> 00:33:56.500
so he is going to put your things
on the script.
00:33:56.542 --> 00:33:59.334
-A good deal of it.
00:33:59.375 --> 00:34:00.375
How nice!
00:34:00.667 --> 00:34:03.626
The character,
in spite of all these references,
00:34:03.667 --> 00:34:06.292
-is practically yourself right now.
00:34:06.375 --> 00:34:09.500
It's like as if he wanted to,
I don't know...
00:34:09.542 --> 00:34:11.667
Drag you inside the camera.
00:34:12.250 --> 00:34:17.334
As if he wanted
to make a study about you,
00:34:17.375 --> 00:34:18.542
about your world.
00:34:18.667 --> 00:34:20.375
An advice for you:
00:34:21.292 --> 00:34:22.459
Enjoy it a lot.
00:34:22.542 --> 00:34:24.542
Of course.
I'm very excited.
00:34:26.375 --> 00:34:27.667
I can hardly believe it
to tell you the truth.
00:34:28.209 --> 00:34:30.500
He was very inspired
by the things you told him.
00:34:31.667 --> 00:34:33.542
That's crazy...
00:34:34.542 --> 00:34:35.626
Are you anxious?
00:34:36.334 --> 00:34:37.334
I am!
00:34:37.375 --> 00:34:38.542
I want to start
as soon as possible.
00:34:38.584 --> 00:34:41.250
It's going to be good
to watch those films.
00:34:41.292 --> 00:34:42.626
Take it easy,
that's just how it is.
00:34:46.250 --> 00:34:47.584
You just have
to dedicate yourself.
00:34:49.542 --> 00:34:51.250
00:34:51.542 --> 00:34:53.334
Think about it.
00:34:54.250 --> 00:34:56.542
-It's a chance of a lifetime.
00:35:00.542 --> 00:35:03.334
-Would you like some cookies?
-No thanks.
00:35:03.375 --> 00:35:06.375
-Don't you like those?
-No, I'm having a tooth problem.
00:36:47.542 --> 00:36:49.334
Is this your house?
00:36:49.375 --> 00:36:54.250
I stay here every time I'm in Rio
and I work here as well.
00:36:54.375 --> 00:36:58.375
But my permanent residence
is in Paris. 18eme.
00:36:58.542 --> 00:37:01.375
But I come and go
all the time.
00:37:02.250 --> 00:37:03.459
I don't know Paris.
It must be amazing.
00:37:03.500 --> 00:37:05.334
Yes. Fantastic.
00:37:06.542 --> 00:37:09.250
But here,
this house is delightful.
00:37:09.292 --> 00:37:12.500
It's good for work here.
There's an editing room here.
00:37:12.542 --> 00:37:15.417
An editing room?
So you do everything here?
00:37:15.459 --> 00:37:17.417
-Yes I stay here all the time.
-Great, right?
00:37:17.459 --> 00:37:18.667
Perfect. Perfect.
00:37:19.375 --> 00:37:23.500
I'm very excited about your audition
I've watched it a million times
00:37:23.542 --> 00:37:25.542
Loved it.
Everything you told me.
00:37:25.626 --> 00:37:30.292
The character will be amazing,
I want your opinion on everything.
00:37:30.375 --> 00:37:33.334
I know that's not
an ordinary process,
00:37:33.375 --> 00:37:36.542
but I want you to be with us
from the beggining.
00:37:37.459 --> 00:37:42.292
Mauricio told me you wanted
to know more about my life.
00:37:42.334 --> 00:37:45.542
I've already e-mailed him some things.
Maybe he has already shown you.
00:37:46.250 --> 00:37:51.375
I make some videos
with my camera.
00:37:52.542 --> 00:37:57.334
I make them for me,
no ambition...
00:37:57.459 --> 00:37:59.334
but I brought them for you.
I don't know,
00:37:59.375 --> 00:38:01.626
maybe they are useful...
00:38:01.667 --> 00:38:03.334
-This is for me?
00:38:03.375 --> 00:38:06.542
-Great. May I open it?
-Sure, please.
00:38:07.375 --> 00:38:09.667
-It's like a gift...
-I just made it look pretty.
00:38:10.542 --> 00:38:12.417
-It's just a DVD.
00:38:14.375 --> 00:38:17.500
They are from different phases,
since the first ones.
00:38:17.542 --> 00:38:19.500
Everything I have I put there.
00:38:19.542 --> 00:38:22.542
I don't know if it's going to be useful
anyhow, but at least...
00:38:23.250 --> 00:38:24.334
These are the things I do...
00:38:24.375 --> 00:38:27.250
I don't know if it interests you
but if you want to...
00:38:27.292 --> 00:38:29.667
-I'll watch it...
-You tell me later...
00:38:31.542 --> 00:38:34.667
-Here is our script.
00:38:35.250 --> 00:38:36.542
What we have so far.
00:38:37.209 --> 00:38:41.500
I'm going to change it a million times
until we start shooting and even after.
00:38:41.542 --> 00:38:44.459
-I'm always working on it.
-Can I keep it?
00:38:44.500 --> 00:38:48.459
Yes. It's just for you to understand
what I want to talk about.
00:38:48.667 --> 00:38:51.459
-Sure. I'll read it all and fast.
00:38:51.667 --> 00:38:55.459
-You are going to love Sara.
-I can't wait to meet her.
00:38:55.542 --> 00:38:58.209
You are going to love her.
She is an amazing woman.
00:38:58.250 --> 00:39:01.417
I think I've seen all that she is in,
that is available in Brazil.
00:39:02.417 --> 00:39:04.667
I think she is amazing.
00:39:05.250 --> 00:39:08.334
She is unbelievable.
A monument.
00:39:08.375 --> 00:39:10.250
But she is coming beforehand,
so we can meet, right?
00:39:10.292 --> 00:39:12.500
Sure, sure
You are going to rehearse;
00:39:12.542 --> 00:39:14.375
it's going to be very smooth.
00:39:14.417 --> 00:39:16.584
We are going to work a lot.
There will be no problem.
00:39:17.542 --> 00:39:21.459
Thomas? Sorry.
It's from France. Antoine.
00:39:21.542 --> 00:39:22.584
Oh Antoine!
00:39:23.667 --> 00:39:25.500
-So, see you soon.
-I loved the coffee. Delicious.
00:39:25.542 --> 00:39:28.500
You did?
I chose the beans myself. It's a blend.
00:39:28.542 --> 00:39:29.626
00:39:31.626 --> 00:39:35.292
Antoine? How are you?
Just a moment.
00:39:35.375 --> 00:39:36.667
Give a bit of the coffee to Bianca.
00:39:37.209 --> 00:39:38.459
-The last one?
00:39:38.500 --> 00:39:40.375
-Do you like working with him?
-I do...
00:39:41.375 --> 00:39:45.209
-You said I do, like...
-Darling, who likes to work?
00:39:45.250 --> 00:39:49.542
-I like working. Don't you?
-I don't like working.
00:39:52.375 --> 00:39:56.334
-Do you really like working?
-Sometimes I do, Sometimes I don't.
00:39:56.375 --> 00:39:59.542
-If it's something I like doing.
-I wasn't born to work Bianca.
00:40:00.375 --> 00:40:03.500
-It's enough.
-No I'm going to fill this to the top.
00:40:03.542 --> 00:40:06.375
There's a lot of coffee here.
00:40:06.667 --> 00:40:11.459
Then you will be very alert
for the shootings.
00:40:12.250 --> 00:40:15.334
No, I' going to drink this
reading the script.
00:40:15.375 --> 00:40:17.542
He never gave me
even a lump of sugar.
00:40:18.584 --> 00:40:20.667
It's a joke. I'm kidding.
00:40:22.459 --> 00:40:25.375
-For God's sake.
-Thank God.
00:40:26.250 --> 00:40:28.375
-There you go.
00:40:28.542 --> 00:40:31.417
I'm going to let you work,
I'm disturbing you.
00:40:31.459 --> 00:40:33.584
-No, not at all.
-What's that? Saint George?
00:40:33.667 --> 00:40:36.626
-Yes, he is killing the dragon.
-What a handsome Saint George.
00:40:36.667 --> 00:40:39.542
-He has a little moustache.
-He has blue eyes, hasn't he?
00:40:39.584 --> 00:40:41.626
Don't all saints have blue eyes?
00:40:43.542 --> 00:40:46.667
It's great! What does it say?
00:40:48.500 --> 00:40:50.542
This monster won't stop me!
00:40:51.542 --> 00:40:54.334
-It's a superhero Saint.
-A pop Saint George.
00:40:57.334 --> 00:41:03.542
00:41:23.250 --> 00:41:27.209
I'm going to tell the coachman
not to deliver any horses.
00:41:27.459 --> 00:41:30.375
It's easier for a camel to pass
through a needle hole,
00:41:30.500 --> 00:41:33.292
than a rich person
enter the kingdom of heaven.
00:41:33.667 --> 00:41:36.292
That's how it is Miss Julia.
00:41:36.542 --> 00:41:38.375
And now I'm leaving.
00:41:38.667 --> 00:41:39.667
00:41:40.584 --> 00:41:41.584
Good bye.
00:41:46.417 --> 00:41:48.292
Devil woman.
00:41:49.209 --> 00:41:52.375
-All because of a bird.
-Forget the bird.
00:41:53.542 --> 00:41:56.167
Do you see any way out?
Any solutions?
00:41:56.209 --> 00:41:57.209
00:41:59.542 --> 00:42:01.459
What would you do
if you were me?
00:42:02.250 --> 00:42:03.375
00:42:05.209 --> 00:42:06.375
I think so.
00:42:07.542 --> 00:42:11.250
But pay attention:
I wouldn't.
00:42:12.459 --> 00:42:13.542
But I want to.
00:42:16.292 --> 00:42:17.459
I just can't.
00:42:18.626 --> 00:42:20.667
I need you to want it.
If you tell me to, I'll do it.
00:42:21.209 --> 00:42:22.250
I don't know.
00:42:22.584 --> 00:42:23.667
I can't.
00:42:24.542 --> 00:42:27.459
I couldn't give you any orders.
00:42:28.500 --> 00:42:30.667
It's the damned servant
inside me.
00:42:31.250 --> 00:42:33.417
If Mr. Count came in
right now
00:42:33.459 --> 00:42:35.626
and told me to cut my head off
I would do it.
00:42:35.667 --> 00:42:38.375
So you pretend you're him
and I'm you.
00:42:41.250 --> 00:42:46.334
So, you have never seen
an hypnotist at the theater?
00:42:46.375 --> 00:42:49.626
He tells the person to get the broom,
the person gets it.
00:42:50.250 --> 00:42:53.250
He says sweep
and the person sweeps.
00:42:56.417 --> 00:42:57.584
I'm already sleeping.
00:43:09.667 --> 00:43:10.667
Here's a broom.
00:43:28.459 --> 00:43:29.542
Thank you.
00:43:36.334 --> 00:43:37.542
Now I'm going to take a break.
00:44:23.334 --> 00:44:25.334
00:44:29.375 --> 00:44:30.375
Are you happy?
00:44:30.459 --> 00:44:32.500
After all that work.
It was great!
00:44:32.542 --> 00:44:34.667
Very beautiful.
You were beautiful.
00:44:36.542 --> 00:44:38.375
00:44:38.667 --> 00:44:40.375
I'm very moved.
00:44:47.542 --> 00:44:50.459
-I'm so happy you came!
-I loved it!
00:44:51.542 --> 00:44:53.626
I started liking theater again
just because of it.
00:44:53.667 --> 00:44:57.500
-Stop it Mauricio. Bullshit.
-This is Joana.
00:44:58.292 --> 00:45:00.500
-This is Bianca.
-Nice to meet you. Congratulations!
00:45:00.542 --> 00:45:04.417
-Joana is helping us with the script.
00:45:05.417 --> 00:45:06.417
I loved it.
00:45:07.667 --> 00:45:10.334
We are going out for drinks.
Wanna come?
00:45:10.375 --> 00:45:11.500
Sorry, I can't.
00:45:13.542 --> 00:45:16.250
Go if you want, Joana.
00:45:16.334 --> 00:45:18.459
-I'm crazy busy.
-With the film?
00:45:18.500 --> 00:45:23.250
-Early day tomorrow.
-Another time then.
00:45:23.292 --> 00:45:27.334
It was amazing
00:45:31.584 --> 00:45:33.375
Let's make a toast!
00:45:35.500 --> 00:45:38.334
Cheers! Success! Success!
00:45:38.375 --> 00:45:42.459
Look in the eyes...
00:45:45.292 --> 00:45:47.334
Thank you guys! Thank you!
00:45:47.375 --> 00:45:49.500
You can't make a toast without
looking in the eyes, otherwise...
00:45:49.542 --> 00:45:52.250
Seven years of sexual bad luck.
00:45:52.417 --> 00:45:53.542
Who said that?
00:45:53.626 --> 00:45:57.375
She made that up
and we are spreading around.
00:45:57.459 --> 00:45:58.459
Slow down...
00:46:00.209 --> 00:46:02.292
-I'm dragging myself.
-I can see it.
00:46:02.334 --> 00:46:05.334
-Did you drink too much?
00:46:05.542 --> 00:46:07.375
We worked our asses off.
00:46:07.459 --> 00:46:10.375
This show
was too much work.
00:46:11.500 --> 00:46:14.500
-But I think it was worth it.
-Did you like it?
00:46:14.542 --> 00:46:17.375
I think it was amazing.
00:46:21.542 --> 00:46:24.626
It's been a while since I've seen
a premiere like this.
00:46:25.250 --> 00:46:27.584
That's great.
I saw your face, I got happy.
00:46:27.626 --> 00:46:31.334
People were turned on!
Everyone was like that!
00:46:31.375 --> 00:46:33.626
They didn't move. It was...
00:46:34.375 --> 00:46:37.459
-That's good to know.
-It was great. You were beautiful.
00:46:37.667 --> 00:46:41.459
You nailed it! You were...
00:46:42.209 --> 00:46:43.209
It's you.
00:46:43.500 --> 00:46:45.334
-No you!
-You directed me.
00:46:45.375 --> 00:46:47.334
No it was you!
00:46:52.042 --> 00:46:53.167
00:46:57.667 --> 00:46:59.584
We could have a good audience
from now on.
00:47:00.542 --> 00:47:01.667
Do you think there will be?
00:47:03.542 --> 00:47:05.459
Ah! War!
00:47:08.292 --> 00:47:11.334
-Some money could come in, right?
-Yes it could! It would be very good.
00:47:11.375 --> 00:47:15.667
Have my own place, you know?
I don't know...
00:47:16.542 --> 00:47:21.500
We work a lot. It's heavy duty.
I wish I had a car... Had something.
00:47:21.542 --> 00:47:23.375
I'm already doing what I like.
00:47:24.375 --> 00:47:28.292
It's not much to ask, right?
Oh my God!
00:47:29.417 --> 00:47:31.292
I don't even know
how to drive.
00:47:31.334 --> 00:47:32.667
I wish I had money
to take a cab.
00:47:38.375 --> 00:47:41.375
I wish I could just call one
at any time.
00:47:41.417 --> 00:47:42.542
Follow that car!
00:47:43.375 --> 00:47:45.459
-Take me home!
-Let's get this one.
00:47:45.584 --> 00:47:46.584
It's taken.
00:47:49.626 --> 00:47:51.542
Let's walk,
we are almost there.
00:47:51.584 --> 00:47:53.334
Tell me about the film.
How is it going?
00:47:53.375 --> 00:47:55.626
It's going great.
00:47:55.667 --> 00:47:59.500
-Are they nice?
-Yes. He is very considerate.
00:47:59.542 --> 00:48:02.375
Intelligent, and willing to...
00:48:02.542 --> 00:48:04.667
What I've read so far
is very beautiful.
00:48:05.667 --> 00:48:07.459
They like you, don't they?
00:48:07.626 --> 00:48:09.584
Ah Oscar, I think they do.
00:48:10.542 --> 00:48:15.334
-This project sounds very good.
-It is beautiful.
00:48:15.375 --> 00:48:16.459
That's amazing, huh?
00:48:18.459 --> 00:48:20.375
And there's still Sara.
Think about it.
00:48:21.542 --> 00:48:23.334
-Very good!
-I'm crazy about this.
00:48:23.375 --> 00:48:27.459
I want to meet her.
I'll go nuts when I meet that woman.
00:48:27.542 --> 00:48:28.542
00:48:29.250 --> 00:48:31.500
You are going to learn...
Let's drink some more.
00:48:31.542 --> 00:48:33.375
Let's have a beer.
The last one.
00:49:01.292 --> 00:49:05.542
So tell me Thomas? How does it feel
to shoot again after 2 years?
00:49:06.250 --> 00:49:07.500
It's been great.
00:49:07.542 --> 00:49:11.500
Shooting in Brazil has been
an unbelievable experience.
00:49:11.542 --> 00:49:13.375
Tell me about your expectations.
00:49:13.417 --> 00:49:16.375
What are the expectations
for the Brazilian public?
00:49:16.417 --> 00:49:17.334
It's huge.
00:49:19.500 --> 00:49:21.542
It's a co production
between France and Brazil
00:49:23.375 --> 00:49:24.417
It's been amazing!
00:49:24.459 --> 00:49:28.500
The exchange between both crews
is wonderful.
00:49:30.542 --> 00:49:32.334
They are great!
00:49:33.334 --> 00:49:34.334
One moment.
00:49:34.375 --> 00:49:37.500
Darling! How are you?
I'm glad you came!
00:49:37.542 --> 00:49:38.667
Come here.
00:49:39.250 --> 00:49:42.334
Look guys,
this is my discovery.
00:49:42.375 --> 00:49:44.459
-Look at that!
-This girl is amazing.
00:49:44.500 --> 00:49:45.417
00:49:45.459 --> 00:49:47.334
She is the only Brazilian actor
in the film.
00:49:47.375 --> 00:49:49.334
-What a huge responsibility!
00:49:49.375 --> 00:49:50.334
Bianca Ventura.
00:49:50.375 --> 00:49:51.626
How are you doing Bianca?
I'm Fabricio.
00:49:51.667 --> 00:49:53.209
Hello, hello.
00:49:53.250 --> 00:49:55.209
Let's put a microphone on her.
00:49:55.250 --> 00:49:56.542
-Do you want me to talk?
00:49:56.584 --> 00:49:57.542
-Of course.
00:49:57.626 --> 00:49:58.626
OK then.
00:50:45.334 --> 00:50:47.375
Yes it's my first work in cinema.
00:50:47.500 --> 00:50:49.417
I'm very exited, indeed.
00:50:49.459 --> 00:50:53.500
Tell me, how does it feel,
right on the first work,
00:50:53.542 --> 00:50:57.375
getting a lead along
with Sara Mallman?
00:50:58.334 --> 00:50:59.542
It is amazing!
00:50:59.584 --> 00:51:03.417
But we've been working a lot.
Working on the script.
00:51:03.459 --> 00:51:04.584
A lot of research.
00:51:04.626 --> 00:51:08.375
We've seen some locations so,
that's helping me a lot.
00:51:08.459 --> 00:51:09.500
That's great.
00:51:09.542 --> 00:51:13.375
-So you've already started a while ago?
-Yes, we are already working.
00:51:13.459 --> 00:51:17.250
when do you start shooting?
00:51:17.292 --> 00:51:19.209
I'm going to France,
00:51:19.250 --> 00:51:22.334
to see some locations
and do the pre production.
00:51:22.375 --> 00:51:24.500
As soon as I come back,
we start shooting.
00:51:24.542 --> 00:51:26.500
You are going to start in Brazil?
00:51:26.542 --> 00:51:29.334
-Very good. I think that's it.
00:51:29.375 --> 00:51:31.500
-Thank you very much Thomas.
-I thank you.
00:51:34.375 --> 00:51:37.209
-Nice to meet you. Good luck!
00:51:37.250 --> 00:51:38.500
Thanks everyone.
00:51:38.542 --> 00:51:41.334
-Let's go check out the location?
-Yes, yes.
00:51:41.375 --> 00:51:43.584
Ah! I'm sorry.
Is Ventura with two Ts?
00:51:43.626 --> 00:51:45.417
-No, just one.
-Ok, thanks.
00:51:45.459 --> 00:51:47.626
Let's ask them to take
out the microphones so we can go.
00:51:48.250 --> 00:51:50.500
-It's pretty near.
-We have to run.
00:51:52.375 --> 00:51:53.542
You were great!
00:51:54.542 --> 00:51:56.292
-Was it good?
00:52:16.459 --> 00:52:18.542
Do you have a light?
Hey girls! Light!
00:52:19.250 --> 00:52:20.250
Do you have a light?
00:52:20.542 --> 00:52:21.542
00:52:24.459 --> 00:52:26.584
-Hi Filipe.
-Hi darling.
00:52:26.626 --> 00:52:29.334
Aren't you dressed yet?
Go change, the girls are all ready.
00:52:29.375 --> 00:52:31.417
I tried to call you.
I can't do it anymore.
00:52:31.459 --> 00:52:33.334
I'm doing another work
and I'm very busy.
00:52:33.375 --> 00:52:35.542
-And you tell me now?
-I tried to call you, even left a message.
00:52:35.584 --> 00:52:37.334
-Of course you didn't call me
-Yes I did.
00:52:37.375 --> 00:52:39.459
-My life is basically answering the phone.
-But you didn't answer me.
00:52:39.500 --> 00:52:40.542
Ok. Alright.
00:52:40.626 --> 00:52:42.375
-Where is the costume?
00:52:53.500 --> 00:52:54.542
Do you have a light?
00:53:02.417 --> 00:53:04.459
I've washed it Filipe.
It's clean.
00:53:06.626 --> 00:53:08.500
-And what's this Bianca?
-It was already like this.
00:53:08.542 --> 00:53:10.542
-I don't know about that.
-That's part of the costume.
00:53:10.626 --> 00:53:12.626
-OK. Shoes?
-No, the shoes were mine.
00:53:13.500 --> 00:53:16.375
-I'll have to check that with Carlinhos.
-Be my guest.
00:53:17.250 --> 00:53:18.542
Oh! Fuck it Bianca.
00:53:20.626 --> 00:53:24.209
Does anyone have a pretty friend
to replace Bianca?
00:53:24.250 --> 00:53:26.375
No need to be an actress.
If she is a little cute, will do.
00:53:26.459 --> 00:53:28.209
00:53:28.250 --> 00:53:29.500
-Does she live nearby?
00:53:30.459 --> 00:53:31.542
Fuck! Inner city!
00:53:31.626 --> 00:53:33.250
-Another one.
00:53:33.292 --> 00:53:35.375
-I have a friend that lives in Copacabana.
-Just a moment.
00:53:35.542 --> 00:53:37.417
Get me her number.
00:53:37.459 --> 00:53:39.250
Could you pay me then?
00:53:54.542 --> 00:53:56.459
-That is not what we agreed.
-Of course it is.
00:53:56.500 --> 00:53:58.292
-It is not.
-Ask the girls.
00:53:58.334 --> 00:54:00.334
You don't pay me for today,
but for the rest you should pay me.
00:54:00.375 --> 00:54:02.500
-That's the money.
-That's not what I've agreed.
00:54:02.542 --> 00:54:04.209
-Who did you talk to?
-To Carlinhos
00:54:04.250 --> 00:54:06.209
So ask him for the money.
00:54:06.250 --> 00:54:08.209
I have nothing to do with it.
I'm the one who pays,
00:54:08.250 --> 00:54:09.334
you have to talk to me.
00:54:09.375 --> 00:54:12.334
Filipe, my life is all organized,
00:54:12.375 --> 00:54:14.459
-I have my bills to pay.
-Me too honey.
00:54:14.542 --> 00:54:19.459
-Girls, the number.
00:54:20.542 --> 00:54:22.375
She is not fat, is she?
00:54:22.584 --> 00:54:25.334
-She has to fit Bianca's clothes.
-Bye guys.
00:54:25.375 --> 00:54:26.375
00:54:43.626 --> 00:54:44.626
00:54:45.500 --> 00:54:47.459
Hi! How are you?
00:54:48.375 --> 00:54:50.375
I'm great! And you?
00:54:51.542 --> 00:54:52.542
00:54:53.375 --> 00:54:54.500
Tell me, what is it?
00:54:58.375 --> 00:55:00.542
I'm not doing that.
00:55:02.542 --> 00:55:04.375
No. I'm rehearsing a movie!
00:55:04.459 --> 00:55:06.459
00:55:07.542 --> 00:55:08.542
00:55:09.250 --> 00:55:12.250
No, I have a role.
00:55:12.375 --> 00:55:13.375
00:55:14.250 --> 00:55:15.250
I swear!
00:55:15.459 --> 00:55:16.626
It's been great!
00:55:17.417 --> 00:55:18.500
But look, after that,
00:55:18.542 --> 00:55:21.584
you keep on calling me for work.
Call me for other gigs, OK?
00:55:22.292 --> 00:55:23.375
Alright honey.
00:55:23.542 --> 00:55:27.250
Good luck.
Kisses. Bye.
00:55:55.542 --> 00:55:57.292
This one!
It's the Sara scene.
00:55:59.417 --> 00:56:02.417
We haven't read this one yet.
00:56:02.626 --> 00:56:04.459
You've changed it.
00:56:04.626 --> 00:56:05.626
Yes we did.
00:56:06.250 --> 00:56:08.334
I have completely forgotten.
00:56:08.417 --> 00:56:10.375
Look what I found in Paris.
00:56:11.375 --> 00:56:12.584
00:56:12.626 --> 00:56:13.584
00:56:16.459 --> 00:56:19.334
-How do you say that?
00:56:19.375 --> 00:56:20.375
The Man of the Brazil Wood.
00:56:23.542 --> 00:56:25.459
-Did I say it right?
-Pretty right.
00:56:25.542 --> 00:56:29.209
-Bois means wood?
-Yes, wood.
00:56:29.250 --> 00:56:30.542
00:56:33.250 --> 00:56:34.375
I'll leave it here ok?
00:56:36.250 --> 00:56:39.542
Sequence 32. Interior.
Bathroom in a restaurant. Night.
00:56:39.626 --> 00:56:41.375
Veronica is finishing her make up
00:56:41.417 --> 00:56:44.375
when a woman,
who hired the performance, comes in.
00:56:44.500 --> 00:56:47.209
Hi darling,
It's like I told you.
00:56:47.250 --> 00:56:48.500
You go to the kitchen,
00:56:48.542 --> 00:56:51.584
get the cake and come to the table
with the candles lit.
00:56:51.626 --> 00:56:54.459
Ask them to turn down
the main lights first.
00:56:54.500 --> 00:56:58.250
Bring the cake,
and sing Happy Birthday.
00:56:59.250 --> 00:57:00.542
I'm sorry.
00:57:01.375 --> 00:57:03.334
The woman tries a possible
American accent.
00:57:03.375 --> 00:57:05.334
The Happy Birthday, right?
00:57:05.375 --> 00:57:07.500
Read the note and leave, OK?
00:57:10.459 --> 00:57:13.375
Would you like me to have
an accent as if I was American?
00:57:13.417 --> 00:57:14.417
00:57:14.626 --> 00:57:16.667
Do as you like it.
I don't mind.
00:57:17.209 --> 00:57:19.292
But look,
don't grab daddy, OK?
00:57:19.459 --> 00:57:22.500
No hugging,
sitting on his lap, kissing.
00:57:22.542 --> 00:57:25.542
It's going to be hell if mommy
gets upset with the surprise.
00:57:25.626 --> 00:57:29.375
-They don't even go to the theater...
-Mauricio, less interpretation.
00:57:30.626 --> 00:57:34.626
-Because of this "interaction" thing.
-You don't take your clothes off, do you?
00:57:35.250 --> 00:57:37.500
-I'm no... Sorry.
-No, that's correct.
00:57:37.542 --> 00:57:39.459
Veronica jumps in quickly.
00:57:39.542 --> 00:57:42.209
I'm no hooker, I'm an actor,
you may relax .
00:57:42.250 --> 00:57:44.542
-I won't even touch your father.
-OK. Until there.
00:57:45.542 --> 00:57:50.459
It was great, very good.
I just don't know.
00:57:51.375 --> 00:57:55.459
I think is a little too much. No?
00:57:55.542 --> 00:57:58.417
Yes, I agree.
I feel it's a bit heavy.
00:57:58.542 --> 00:58:00.459
What if we change the word?
00:58:01.250 --> 00:58:03.375
Take off the word hooker
and put...
00:58:04.334 --> 00:58:07.542
What? Stripper?
I'm no stripper.
00:58:10.334 --> 00:58:13.375
-OK guys, let's think.
-I can just say:
00:58:13.417 --> 00:58:15.459
You may relax,
I won't even touch your father.
01:00:02.459 --> 01:00:06.375
After that line I would get up.
01:00:06.500 --> 01:00:08.542
When he says
he is on top of the column.
01:00:08.626 --> 01:00:13.542
You are sitting here,
then you start to get up, slowly.
01:00:17.500 --> 01:00:21.375
We'll hold it for you.
Find a comfortable position.
01:00:21.542 --> 01:00:23.542
Seems like she'll fall
but she won't.
01:00:24.459 --> 01:00:26.250
Shake it but don't break it.
01:00:26.375 --> 01:00:29.584
Find your own way.
Let Rodrigo help you.
01:00:29.626 --> 01:00:33.250
Let Rodrigo do it then
Go on...
01:00:33.542 --> 01:00:35.459
-Do you already know it by heart?
-It's alright...
01:00:37.375 --> 01:00:38.375
01:00:40.375 --> 01:00:42.250
You are very weird,
Did you know that?
01:00:42.542 --> 01:00:44.375
Maybe, but you are too.
01:00:44.542 --> 01:00:46.417
Everybody is.
01:00:46.459 --> 01:00:49.375
It's all like a sinking
soil, going down,
01:00:49.542 --> 01:00:51.375
underneath the ground...
01:00:53.459 --> 01:00:57.626
It's funny...
I have a recurring dream.
01:00:58.375 --> 01:01:02.584
I'm sitting on top of a column,
01:01:03.459 --> 01:01:06.375
and I keep looking down
01:01:08.459 --> 01:01:12.375
I crave to go down,
but I can't.
01:01:14.375 --> 01:01:19.417
Sometimes I want to climb a tree
01:01:20.250 --> 01:01:22.375
to view the whole landscape,
01:01:22.584 --> 01:01:27.250
and to catch
the golden eggs' nest
01:01:27.375 --> 01:01:33.209
I struggle to go up
I try to climb, but...
01:01:33.250 --> 01:01:37.542
Keep on going.
Do it again, keep on repeating...
01:01:37.626 --> 01:01:43.542
Do you have a recurring dream?
01:01:45.250 --> 01:01:46.626
Talk to them.
01:01:47.542 --> 01:01:50.375
Talk to the film people.
01:01:51.250 --> 01:01:53.375
She'll make it.
01:01:53.626 --> 01:01:57.542
She won't.
She won't be like you.
01:01:58.542 --> 01:02:01.209
It's your group, your people.
01:02:01.250 --> 01:02:02.542
Something you did.
You invented.
01:02:02.584 --> 01:02:05.375
Talk to them,
they will understand.
01:02:06.375 --> 01:02:11.375
-Do you want me to talk to them?
-No, that's not the point Oscar.
01:02:11.459 --> 01:02:16.375
This tour invitation came after the film.
I had already committed myself to them.
01:02:16.542 --> 01:02:19.250
-We are already working.
-But we'll make money.
01:02:19.292 --> 01:02:21.459
-I can't leave town.
-But we've made nothing here.
01:02:21.500 --> 01:02:24.334
-We'll get some money.
-I know...
01:02:24.375 --> 01:02:26.209
We could plan a trip
for us afterwards.
01:02:26.250 --> 01:02:31.542
Do something nice...
See places. Have fun.
01:02:40.459 --> 01:02:43.375
You do it so well.
She won't be as good as you.
01:02:46.375 --> 01:02:47.542
01:02:48.459 --> 01:02:51.542
The movie will be great
for you.
01:02:54.417 --> 01:02:56.292
Let it be. I'm sorry...
01:02:56.375 --> 01:02:58.500
She became a character.
What does that mean?
01:02:58.542 --> 01:03:00.500
That she is better
or more interesting than others?
01:03:00.542 --> 01:03:03.542
She has merits. She could not.
We know that happens.
01:03:04.250 --> 01:03:07.334
But it's not her qualities.
It's not her looks.
01:03:07.375 --> 01:03:11.542
She was signed by the media
and became a character.
01:03:11.584 --> 01:03:14.375
Now she is visible,
she achieved visibility.
01:03:14.459 --> 01:03:17.542
Now she is a character,
she is interesting.
01:03:17.584 --> 01:03:23.209
She is. She exists.
She is on screen, so she is somebody.
01:03:23.250 --> 01:03:24.542
She could be a nobody
but now she is somebody.
01:04:02.375 --> 01:04:05.375
Oscar, go lay on my bed.
01:04:06.542 --> 01:04:09.250
Or you will wake up all crooked
01:04:09.292 --> 01:04:11.542
-Come on...
01:04:50.500 --> 01:04:52.459
What a crazy cab driver.
01:04:52.500 --> 01:04:54.417
For Christ's sake.
Why such a rush?
01:04:54.459 --> 01:04:56.334
They are always like that.
01:04:56.375 --> 01:04:58.584
-It's wonderful here.
-Do you like it Thomas?
01:04:59.250 --> 01:05:00.459
Love it!
01:05:00.500 --> 01:05:03.459
-You know crazy places, don't you?
-I used to rehearse here.
01:05:03.500 --> 01:05:07.250
Underneath the pool
there's a kind of a ballroom.
01:05:07.292 --> 01:05:08.334
No way!
01:05:08.375 --> 01:05:11.334
We've rehearsed a play here
for six months.
01:05:11.375 --> 01:05:13.542
Really? A ballroom under it!
01:05:14.292 --> 01:05:16.334
How did they build a pool
like that?
01:05:17.375 --> 01:05:19.375
Suspended over the hill.
01:05:19.626 --> 01:05:23.459
I got to see it filled with water.
01:05:23.542 --> 01:05:27.250
-Did you swim in it?
-No, it was just for the residents.
01:05:28.542 --> 01:05:32.250
-What is that?
-I have no idea.
01:05:32.375 --> 01:05:35.375
-What are those mountains?
-That's the God's Finger.
01:05:35.459 --> 01:05:39.375
Yes, you can see the mountains,
there's the sea.
01:05:44.500 --> 01:05:47.250
-Wonderful, amazing!
-I'm glad you like it.
01:05:47.417 --> 01:05:50.500
-Hand me the camera.
-Let's shoot the banana dream sequence here?
01:05:50.542 --> 01:05:51.542
01:05:52.542 --> 01:05:54.375
The Carmen scene?
01:05:54.542 --> 01:05:57.500
-You are doing Carmen scene here?
-Yes I will.
01:05:57.542 --> 01:05:59.375
-Just a moment.
01:06:11.542 --> 01:06:13.417
My God! You are beautiful!
01:06:14.459 --> 01:06:16.375
Almost too beautiful.
01:06:16.667 --> 01:06:18.542
01:06:21.375 --> 01:06:24.542
-The wind is blowing my skirt up.
-A real Marilyn.
01:06:53.292 --> 01:06:54.459
Isn't it pretty?
01:06:55.375 --> 01:06:56.334
01:06:57.542 --> 01:06:59.500
-Those strawberries are great!
-Yes, they are great.
01:06:59.542 --> 01:07:03.209
So, I need you to make me
a reference video
01:07:03.250 --> 01:07:05.209
of Bianca's Carmen Miranda.
01:07:05.250 --> 01:07:07.626
For the art department,
for the whole crew.
01:07:07.667 --> 01:07:12.626
-An old Carmen film? To edit it?
-No, no.
01:07:12.667 --> 01:07:15.209
With her. With Bianca.
01:07:15.292 --> 01:07:17.334
Get Bianca,
call some musicians.
01:07:17.375 --> 01:07:20.334
Some metals.
Trumpet, trombone...
01:07:20.459 --> 01:07:22.209
A tuba. We gotta have a tuba
01:07:22.250 --> 01:07:25.667
-These gigs don't happen everyday.
-They are hired
01:07:26.209 --> 01:07:30.334
-Get the camera, call Bianca...
-For when?
01:07:30.375 --> 01:07:33.459
-She must know some musicians.
-For sure she does.
01:07:34.250 --> 01:07:38.500
So, call the musicians, the metals
shoot this scene and send it to me.
01:07:38.542 --> 01:07:42.459
But Thomas,
we have to pay the musicians.
01:07:42.500 --> 01:07:46.500
An actor will receive later
01:07:46.542 --> 01:07:48.584
but musicians
have to be paid right away.
01:07:49.250 --> 01:07:51.584
When they play at a drugstore opening,
for example,
01:07:51.667 --> 01:07:55.209
they get paid right there.
So they play.
01:07:55.250 --> 01:07:56.334
They don't work for free.
01:07:56.375 --> 01:07:59.209
I know,
but I can't use the budget yet.
01:07:59.250 --> 01:08:01.459
If you ask Bianca,
she will pay it herself.
01:08:01.500 --> 01:08:02.626
For her
it will make a difference.
01:08:02.667 --> 01:08:08.334
If you pay it,
you can get it back later.
01:08:08.375 --> 01:08:10.209
-OK, ok.
-Do you really need this?
01:08:10.250 --> 01:08:12.584
Of course. We need it.
The film needs it, not me.
01:08:12.626 --> 01:08:15.250
Make a video...
01:08:15.667 --> 01:08:18.542
I'll pay for it,
but keep all the receipts, right?
01:08:20.375 --> 01:08:24.209
-Get receipts for everything.
-Get all the receipts
01:08:24.292 --> 01:08:26.459
Now, for the last time.
01:08:26.500 --> 01:08:29.626
I need you to solve
my Paris flight thing.
01:08:29.667 --> 01:08:32.626
I called them three times...
Didn't you hear me talking to Claire?
01:08:32.667 --> 01:08:34.292
I don't know.
What I know is that...
01:08:34.375 --> 01:08:37.334
I called her today
I've been calling.
01:08:37.375 --> 01:08:40.292
-That's the game they play.
-They are reluctant.
01:08:40.375 --> 01:08:43.250
It's a political game,
they say they won't .
01:08:43.292 --> 01:08:47.375
-She said the same thing now...
-Tell them I'm only flying first class.
01:08:48.459 --> 01:08:50.250
Do I tell them that
if it's not first class
01:08:50.292 --> 01:08:51.542
-you are not going?
-Sure, sure.
01:08:51.584 --> 01:08:53.459
If she tells me
it's not possible,
01:08:53.500 --> 01:08:55.626
I say that it's
impossible for you to go?
01:08:55.667 --> 01:08:58.334
-You are not going?
-I'm only going there to work.
01:08:58.375 --> 01:09:00.500
If I have to get there destroyed,
01:09:00.542 --> 01:09:02.250
Then there's no use to go.
01:09:02.334 --> 01:09:05.209
I'm going to work,
to deal with a lot of stuff...
01:09:05.250 --> 01:09:13.250
-Thomas is only flying first class.
01:09:14.375 --> 01:09:16.584
-Come in! Come see it!
01:09:16.626 --> 01:09:20.209
-Excuse me.
-It's wonderful!
01:09:20.250 --> 01:09:23.334
-Really? Do you like it?
-My God! That's so much fun!
01:09:23.375 --> 01:09:24.626
-You look great!
-Do you like this skirt?
01:09:24.667 --> 01:09:27.375
Those pineapples...
01:09:27.417 --> 01:09:30.584
It's a lot of different cheap fabrics...
They make a nice effect.
01:09:30.626 --> 01:09:33.334
I have this other top too.
01:09:33.375 --> 01:09:35.500
-That one is great,
-Maybe it's better for the camera.
01:09:35.542 --> 01:09:40.250
-The golden ruffles are great.
-The turban is also golden.
01:09:40.292 --> 01:09:42.626
Is it OK for us to be here?
Won't they mind?
01:09:42.667 --> 01:09:45.167
I've worked here a million times.
01:09:45.209 --> 01:09:46.459
They know me.
01:09:46.500 --> 01:09:50.250
He'll give me the key
so we can leave our stuff here.
01:09:50.417 --> 01:09:52.417
You can drop your bag here,
if you like.
01:09:52.459 --> 01:09:53.667
-We'll take the key.
-I will.
01:09:54.209 --> 01:09:55.667
Everything is falling apart here.
01:09:57.584 --> 01:10:01.167
-Look. I'll put those flowers on my head.
-Bianca, thank you so much.
01:10:01.209 --> 01:10:03.542
Like this.
It will be like a crown.
01:10:03.667 --> 01:10:05.375
It's great.
01:10:06.250 --> 01:10:08.334
Thank you.
If you didn't help me with that
01:10:08.375 --> 01:10:10.375
-I don't know what I would have done.
-You don't have to thank me.
01:10:10.417 --> 01:10:13.584
-Doing this is what I want.
-It's better than if we had it custom made.
01:10:14.375 --> 01:10:16.626
-So... I'll start the make up.
-And the musicians...
01:10:16.667 --> 01:10:18.500
-I wonder if they are already there...
-I'll give them a call.
01:10:18.542 --> 01:10:20.334
And the tuba?
01:10:22.542 --> 01:10:24.334
Did he say:
I want a tuba?
01:10:24.375 --> 01:10:26.459
He did! Exactly like this.
01:10:27.334 --> 01:10:30.375
-I think it makes sense.
-Hello? Hi! Mr. Jurandyr.
01:10:30.417 --> 01:10:33.542
It's Mauricio.
01:10:34.209 --> 01:10:36.209
No we are on our way.
01:10:36.375 --> 01:10:37.626
And the tuba?
01:10:38.292 --> 01:10:39.500
Oh! Thank God!
01:10:39.542 --> 01:10:42.250
No, thank God!
We are on our way.
01:10:42.292 --> 01:10:43.292
01:10:43.667 --> 01:10:46.667
-So there's a tuba?
-Thank God!
01:10:47.459 --> 01:10:49.375
I hope he is good.
01:10:49.417 --> 01:10:51.334
-I'm giving them the song at the last minute.
-Don't you know him?
01:10:51.375 --> 01:10:54.500
Not this one.
He told me the tuba I know was busy.
01:10:54.542 --> 01:10:56.584
But everything will be all right.
I'm sure.
01:10:56.626 --> 01:10:58.334
I told them
it was a "marchinha"
01:10:58.375 --> 01:10:59.626
and when we get there
I'll give them the song.
01:10:59.667 --> 01:11:02.209
Just to look at you
I know it will be all right!
01:11:02.250 --> 01:11:04.500
Oh my God!
There are a bunch of necklaces ...
01:11:04.542 --> 01:11:07.667
I'll finish the make up
and then we can go.
01:11:10.626 --> 01:11:12.375
A flower,
you dropped a flower.
01:11:19.250 --> 01:11:21.334
-Wait! Wait!
-Come on! Come on!
01:11:21.375 --> 01:11:24.250
-There's no rush, they can wait.
-Come on!
01:11:26.542 --> 01:11:27.667
Are you all right?
01:11:29.667 --> 01:11:32.542
You are going to get hurt
Bianca, wait!
01:11:33.209 --> 01:11:35.375
-I'm not used to it!
01:11:35.417 --> 01:11:36.417
Come on!
01:11:37.500 --> 01:11:40.542
-Everybody is looking at us!
-Come, come, come!
01:11:42.250 --> 01:11:45.500
-Watch the red light for God's sake.
-No! Send them kisses!
01:12:09.459 --> 01:12:12.500
I want to do like this
in the middle of the street.
01:12:23.250 --> 01:12:28.459
I think it's right there,
the place we told them to be.
01:12:28.542 --> 01:12:31.250
What are you telling me?
01:12:32.667 --> 01:12:33.667
01:12:34.250 --> 01:12:35.375
It can't be.
01:12:39.542 --> 01:12:41.375
But it's not possible.
01:12:43.542 --> 01:12:45.459
It's not possible.
01:12:47.334 --> 01:12:49.209
What are you telling me?
01:12:53.542 --> 01:12:55.292
Pay attention Antoine!
01:12:55.334 --> 01:12:58.584
You are listening to me now.
01:12:59.250 --> 01:13:01.667
You are going to listen to me now.
01:13:02.209 --> 01:13:04.667
You are going to throw
01:13:05.250 --> 01:13:08.250
all we've worked on for years
in the garbage?
01:13:08.542 --> 01:13:12.542
But It's her story Antoine!
It's her story, don't you understand?
01:13:13.459 --> 01:13:14.542
01:13:14.584 --> 01:13:17.417
I... I don't understand.
01:13:17.459 --> 01:13:20.542
It's not possible.
It's impossible!
01:13:20.584 --> 01:13:22.375
What you asking me
is impossible.
01:13:22.500 --> 01:13:26.250
It is exactly the opposite of all
we've worked for all these years.
01:13:29.459 --> 01:13:30.459
01:13:54.542 --> 01:13:57.876
It's just a few days of fun
01:13:57.918 --> 01:14:00.918
It's a long year,
with no plans.
01:14:01.375 --> 01:14:04.542
It's just a few days of fun
01:14:04.584 --> 01:14:08.209
It's a long year,
with no plans.
01:14:08.334 --> 01:14:11.542
If Carnival should last longer
01:14:11.584 --> 01:14:15.209
I don't know
what I could do
01:14:15.250 --> 01:14:18.459
If Carnival lasted a month.
01:14:18.542 --> 01:14:21.542
I'd live on the streets
for good!
01:14:54.667 --> 01:14:55.667
01:14:56.250 --> 01:14:57.626
Hi Thomas!
We're shooting it right now!
01:14:57.667 --> 01:15:00.209
It's beautiful!
01:15:00.667 --> 01:15:01.667
01:15:03.250 --> 01:15:06.375
But... what about subtitles?
Weren't we going to use subtitles?
01:15:07.375 --> 01:15:10.417
So, we get someone to dub her.
01:15:11.209 --> 01:15:13.250
We are in the middle
of the thing.
01:15:14.375 --> 01:15:17.209
But then, she can learn French.
Put her in a private class.
01:15:17.250 --> 01:15:18.500
She can learn it.
01:15:20.250 --> 01:15:21.500
What now?
01:15:22.375 --> 01:15:25.209
Why don't you come here right now
and tell her that.
01:15:25.250 --> 01:15:26.542
Tell that to her face!
01:18:06.250 --> 01:18:07.250
01:18:08.834 --> 01:18:09.918
Cut! Cut!
01:18:12.542 --> 01:18:14.500
People! It's great,
it's wonderful
01:18:14.542 --> 01:18:18.250
but the extras with the
bananas are missing the rhythm.
01:18:19.417 --> 01:18:23.417
I need you to lift the bananas
at the right beat. Ok?
01:18:23.626 --> 01:18:27.584
So... More enthusiasm, more joy.
More happiness.
01:18:28.375 --> 01:18:30.667
Let's go?
Let's do one more.
01:18:34.584 --> 01:18:36.459
Lily! Very good.
01:18:36.542 --> 01:18:37.500
It was very good.
01:18:48.667 --> 01:18:49.667
Let's go.
01:18:50.292 --> 01:18:51.375
01:18:52.459 --> 01:18:55.584
Sound. Camera.
Distributor: Pragda Films
Length: 85 minutes
Date: 2009
Genre: Narrative
Language: Portuguese
Grade: Middle School, High School, College, Adults
Closed Captioning: Available
The is title is available for licensing on the Pragda STREAM site.
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