Cultural actions as a strategy for local, political and economic transformation.
Ayahuasca: Expansion of Consciousness
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Combining scientific, religious, and anthropological perspectives on the use of Ayahuasca in modern society, and in parallel with the director Fausto Noro’s own healing process, this documentary provides for the first time, a holistic, yet balanced view of this controversial subject. It tells the story of Ayahuasca, from its emergence in the Amazonian Forest to its popularity with the Santo Daime religion, and on to its arrival in urban centres.
Main credits
Noro, Fausto (film director)
Noro, Fausto (screenwriter)
Noro, Fausto (film producer)
Campos, Regina (film producer)
Other credits
Cinematographer, André Besen; editing, Fausto Noro.
Distributor subjects
Religion + Spirituality; Health + Aging; Indigenous Peoples; Anthropology; Agriculture + Food; Latin American StudiesKeywords
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expansion of the consciousness
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The idea was always to show
the history of the Ayahuasca tea.
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From its origin in the Amazon forest
to its arrival in cities like São Paulo.
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But then I thought...
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Why not experience the real cure?
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They say that when you drink the tea you must
to have a goal in mind
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Among many things that I need to heal
I've chosen one, my relationship with my father
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A relationship that has always been distance
That I haven't had the courage to face.
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It is not easy for a person like you
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to make a documentary like this.
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You have to feel it; you have to live
your spiritual process as well, your cure.
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You have to learn what you do
for it all to make sense..
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You can never talk about
a cure if you have never healed
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You can never say: You have been
through it when you haven't.
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Mainly because you have not
come to make a documentary of...
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You have come to talk
about the medicine, the most sacred.
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It is your responsibility to take
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what people will also see
and feel it as well.
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So what you are doing
is truly embracing this reality
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but in order to do so, you must
experience this reality.
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There is nothing untrue here,
what you see is life
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and everything you are living,
I am not making it up.
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This is the life of my people,
our everyday lives.
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Village Nova Esperança
Yawanawás people
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Putanny and I became
more than a marriage.
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By the way, my marriage with her
was one of the most difficult among the Masters
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Because I come from a
family of arranged marriages
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and Putanny is not my promised one
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So we entered into another
part of this civilization
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Which was the wanting and liking
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and the choice of being a husband and a wife.
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We chose to be just the two of us.
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Yawá Yawanawá
Shaman, dead at 2018
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We are from the wind, magic
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We are from the chant;
That's how our marriages are.
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We do not have many material
objects to symbolize marriage.
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Mainly a paper that has to be signed.
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The greatest pain and regret of your father had
Was that he walked by himself to our wedding
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He wanted his mother present
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my father-in-law said he was going to take her
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But he didn't
because I was pregnant.
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So your father walked into church crying
because he didn't have his mother by his side.
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Your mother and I almost split up several times.
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Your upbringing at home was very bad
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I am sure of that
And I blame myself for that
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I believe that you would have
a much better condition
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if we could have gotten along better
and lived a more normal life.
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I am the feminine leader.
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I am my mother's leadership.
And I honor that with great love.
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Putanny's life represents that to me
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She adds to this moment.
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I always think of my people's spirituality
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as a very sacred ground.
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So it is kind of a spiritual rebirth.
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It's having the privilege to say:
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“If I were to be reborn I would take this or this away,
I would like to be this person”.
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Actually, Putanny wanted to be the
first female shaman of our history
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Because a shaman is the one
who prays for the spiritual guides
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it comes from magic
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I had never heard of a Yawanawa woman
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with the role of a shaman,
with real spiritual leadership.
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In the year of 2005
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My sister and I received a spiritual calling
to come and challenge this ground.
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Until that moment, it was only done by men
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Because a woman had never challenged
spirituality and our tradition
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It is so true that we had never known in our civilization
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that a woman was a spiritual leader
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or that a woman participated in a
cure work in an Ayahuasca ceremony.
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It was very difficult because
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we were breaking a tradition
inside our tradition.
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"What do you want to do?
This is not for women"
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"this is for men,
it cannot be accepted!"
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We were questioned by many people
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Some said no, we couldn't break our tradition
Like it was the rule
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It was as if somebody wrote this
and it has to be this way
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We can't break this.
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When we start the preparation,
when we are going to make Feitío do Uni
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We prepare 2 or 3 days in a week.
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If you are married,
you can't sleep with your wife.
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If you really want to do something, like have a
drink to make you feel good
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you can't eat sweets
until you finished that Feitío de Uni
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because there you will put your
thought and your dedication.
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The word Ayahuasca refers to a vine
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It is a Quechua word
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Which is commonly translated to
the soul vine or the vine of the dead.
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Ayahuasca is used
by about 70 Amazon peoples
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which speak at least
twenty different languages.
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The Ayahuasca plant
is usually cooked
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And transformed into a drink
with the same name.
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So Ayahuasca is a word,
which refers to both the vine,
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as well as the drink,
that is the tea.
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We make it a request
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we speak in our minds
and in our hearts.
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Look, I have planted you,
you've enjoyed
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And know I will harvest you
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so I can drink you,
to find my goals
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The search for peace through you
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because you are a great spirit.
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To make the Ayahuasca you have
to cook it for a long time in water.
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Two plants, a vine with the scientific
name Banisteriopsis Caapi
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and a bush, called Chacrona, Psychotria Viridis
and it can be called Rainha (Queen).
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If you take this quality of leaf
the “mirage” fails, they don't work
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The visions caused by Ayahuasca
happen with eyes closed
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this has a name in the religious traditions of
Ayahuasca and the name is “mirage”.
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We hear a lot of talking in the news about
the tea saying that it is hallucinogenic
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I don't really like this term when
we are talking about Ayahuasca.
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First, the term hallucinogenic is
quite inappropriate even when
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It is applied to the substance that has
the most evident visual effect with eyes open.
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Why am I talking about this?
Because...when you are talking about a hallucination
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you are talking about something
that is seen with your eyes open.
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Even the hallucinogen, they do not cause hallucinations,
they cause visual distortions.
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Ayahuasca has also a characteristic which
is well reinforced in some indigenous traditions
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as well and very reinforced
in Brazilian religious traditions too
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because it brings perceptions on the
conduct of the person who took it.
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About yourself
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As if the person could be
looking at the things they are doing
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With an easiness of realizing that the
things they are doing are not okay
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and that maybe it is time to change.
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A very interesting thing is
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that if you make a separate
tea from both of the plants
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they will not have the same effect.
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The tea made from Psychotria
of the Queen Charona, has no effect
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And the tea made from the vine
seems to have a sedative effect
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it gives a certain drowsiness,
some physical effects
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but it does not bring the
expansion of the consciousness
00:13:04.094 --> 00:13:07.135
and the psychedelic effect that only happens
when both plants are combined.
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And it is here, beating and mentalizing
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talking with medicine:
I am making this to take it you
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to feel good, to be more open
in our thoughts and at our work.
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And we always
do it like that
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There is no rush
because all this force goes into work.
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DMT is Dimethyltryptamine
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a simple molecule
very similar to a neurotransmitter
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which we have in our bodies,
called serotonin.
00:14:01.970 --> 00:14:05.678
The DMT is present in the
metabolism of hundreds of plants
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including the Psychotria viridis,
or the queen, that is used in Ayahuasca.
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DMT is so simple
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that if we ingest a tea or
leaves that contains DMT
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we will not feel any effect
because we digest it
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and before it hits our blood,
it is no longer DMT.
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It was digested in the stomach,
intestine as well as in the liver
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and that is done through an enzyme,
which is monoamine oxidase
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And the Ayahuasca vine inhibits this enzyme
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and the capacity
of the body to digest DMT
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That's why when you combine the plant that
contains DMT and the Ayahuasca vine
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the effects of the DMT will appear
in the brain and in the mind of the person
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because it can go through the digestion.
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When we are outside, in São Paulo,
in many places in Brazil
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I go with an Indian tribe, talk about our peoples,
talk about going to an Indian tribe.
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You never know how it is going to be
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I know that, I have already been
to public schools, studying before
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I saw how the people there are studying,
how they see the Brazilian Indian.
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I have never opened up my heart to say
who I am, or what I think.
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I chose this path, the same path of my ancestors
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my predecessors, my grandparents
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2.700 different species of healing
medicines catalogued
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We are waiting with our arms opened
when it concerns the Brazil that recognizes us
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When the humanity that recognizes us as a nation,
as people capable of joining another science
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When we are treated as Indians, as incompetents
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as the original people of the forest
who do not have feelings
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And that has scientific knowledge that
can help humanity, we will remain in silence.
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The first time I took the medicine
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My father asked Tata to prepare the medicine.
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He prepared it and at night
in a large shohu (very large and open hut)
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with my father sitting in a hammock,
rocking back and forth
00:17:00.261 --> 00:17:01.803
Tatá Yawanawá
Shaman, dead at 2016
00:17:01.803 --> 00:17:03.928
I was thinking, what is going to happen?
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Then I saw that huge cup
I took it and swallowed at once
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and a thought came to give back.
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I took it all, and as I was drinking that cup
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I felt a shiver going through my body
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I was thinking something
was going to happen
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And always that thought telling to give back
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After 5 minutes I felt it...
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I started feeling a reaction in my body
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What is going on?
The first thing was an impulse inside my heart.
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Something said:
Look up, look at me
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- Who is talking to me?
- Look up, look here at me
00:18:05.261 --> 00:18:10.261
I looked up and I saw the moon,
very low, very beautiful.
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When I looked at the moon
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I felt like saying to the moon:
- You are so beautiful
00:18:18.636 --> 00:18:21.511
I want to be your daughter,
I want to meet you
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I want to be like you so bright,
your light radiates the world
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I want to shine, you are so shinny
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But I look at me
and I don't even know who I am.
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I look at myself and see a void
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I wish I could know myself.
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I want to know who I am.
I want to know where I came from.
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How did I come? What am I doing here?
What am I doing?
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Many define as an experience relative to a year’s
therapy done in one afternoon, and one night
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The person is in contact with
so much repressed psychological material.
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It is from the beginning of childhood
and it comes with such a strong emotional power
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with impactful images and complex symbolism
00:20:04.970 --> 00:20:10.552
Not everything is always clear and rational a
s it would be in a verbal psychotherapy.
00:20:10.719 --> 00:20:15.970
It is a shock and at that moment
support and context is fundamental.
00:21:04.469 --> 00:21:07.469
When we talk about psychoactive effects
00:21:07.469 --> 00:21:09.552
and evidently, Ayahuasca is psychoactive
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A question that comes to mind is:
- Is it a drug?
00:21:12.552 --> 00:21:14.261
Are we talking about a drug?
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I think we can answer this question by thinking
what do we mean with the word drug?
00:21:20.053 --> 00:21:26.094
If drug means a substance that causes
an alteration in our organism
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So it is a drug just like any other drug,
like alcohol, Novalgina, penicillin...
00:21:35.594 --> 00:21:38.219
All of these will cause alteration in our organism.
00:21:38.844 --> 00:21:42.011
So in the pharmaceutical and medical point of view
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it induces alterations so we can call it a drug.
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But in this case we are talking
about the pharmaceutical drug
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rather than the crack house drug.
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When my children were younger
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I always told them this one thing.
00:22:02.636 --> 00:22:06.678
You can do anything you want,
but don't do drugs.
00:22:06.719 --> 00:22:10.135
On that fateful day, we knew.
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We had no idea why he took
this path of using cocaine.
00:22:23.135 --> 00:22:27.678
And he immediately said goodbye and left.
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I particularly didn't understand that need
and what the origin of that was.
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That night he told his father
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I tried many times to be close to you.
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I always wanted to talk to you.
then everything goes down the drain.
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Jaime is not the father who goes up to
his children and says, how are you?
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He was always very quiet.
He wouldn't even ask about their occupation.
00:23:26.135 --> 00:23:29.469
The consciousness theme is a
theme that requires a lot of humility.
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The consciousness might be the most
difficult scientific issue of all.
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Because the consciousness is the subjective aspect,
it is our experience of the world
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It is my feeling of seeing the ocean's blue
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Science has had success in looking outside
In eliminating the subjective
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and objectively studying the physical phenomenon
that compose matter and energy.
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Santo Daime is a religious syncretism,
the foundation of the Brazilian culture
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Which is the black, the Indian,
and the White, the colonizer.
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Santo Daime adds to the African culture
And we can see that in the Indians, Barum...
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Signs of the Indian
community, the maracá .
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And also the Christian part
white people's culture, a pure Christianity.
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This syncretism is very important because it is
the authentic cultural manifestation of our country.
00:25:11.636 --> 00:25:18.302
Most of the interviewers
don't want to listen to what you have to say.
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They want you to answer what they
want to research and not in a wider sense.
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They come in the focus they want.
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So people come in the search
of the “getting high” moment
00:25:30.803 --> 00:25:34.386
sometimes they would take
a brother at a given moment
00:25:34.386 --> 00:25:37.886
just to show “look how weird it is”
isn't it true?
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Just completely out of context.
00:25:41.469 --> 00:25:44.135
It doesn't have interest for the interviewers...
00:25:44.803 --> 00:25:48.970
Have you seen any interviews which
proposed to show
00:25:48.970 --> 00:25:51.678
Who in fact is healing?
How are they healing?
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So where are the cures?
00:25:54.511 --> 00:25:57.011
No one has ever come to do a
interview with us like that
00:25:57.011 --> 00:25:59.469
and you end up not knowing
if people were cured or not.
00:25:59.469 --> 00:26:01.719
They come to know about getting high
00:26:02.469 --> 00:26:06.803
about why you have to drink a tea
to be connected with the Divine?
00:26:08.135 --> 00:26:10.177
What is happening with people's lives?
00:26:12.928 --> 00:26:17.469
Master Irineu is from the Northeast
00:26:17.803 --> 00:26:22.511
he came with other northeastern
people who went to cut rubber trees
00:26:22.594 --> 00:26:24.928
with the promise of a new Eldorado.
00:26:25.386 --> 00:26:33.469
On the border of Peru and Bolivia
he got to know the Ayahuasca tea
00:26:34.469 --> 00:26:39.135
and there were two friends
who already knew about the tea
00:26:39.135 --> 00:26:42.761
It was André Costa and Antonio Costa.
00:26:42.886 --> 00:26:46.678
When he took the drink,
he saw a cruise in the sky.
00:26:46.928 --> 00:26:52.261
And this cruise there was a lady
sitting on the moon
00:26:52.261 --> 00:26:57.594
Our Holy Lady of Conceição.
From this view
00:26:57.636 --> 00:27:02.053
He starts receiving lessons from this lady
00:27:02.177 --> 00:27:07.386
And she said:
“Now you are going to sing, sing these lessons”.
00:27:07.427 --> 00:27:13.386
He went through all the initiation
process of the shaman.
00:27:13.511 --> 00:27:22.469
He was isolated in the forest, no women,
sex abstinence, and alcoholic abstinence, a diet
00:27:22.678 --> 00:27:28.928
That was when Master Irineu started
receiving his spiritual lessons in the forest.
00:27:29.261 --> 00:27:34.427
When he goes back to Rio Branco,
approximately in the 50's
00:27:34.552 --> 00:27:40.719
He puts together a small group, because
he received from Our Holy Lady of Conceição
00:27:40.803 --> 00:27:48.636
The drink with the name of Daime for him to give.
He was supposed to give to whoever asked
00:27:48.803 --> 00:27:51.594
(Daime) Give me strength,
give me light, give me peace
00:27:51.719 --> 00:27:54.928
give whatever the person needed.
It is the verb to give.
00:27:55.095 --> 00:28:00.970
Already with the name of Daime,
he returns to Rio Branco and creates a center.
00:28:01.053 --> 00:28:05.427
And it was a Daime center
initially only with black people.
00:28:05.511 --> 00:28:10.177
That center started receiving people
and healing them
00:28:10.219 --> 00:28:15.053
and as time went by,
that small group expanded
00:28:15.053 --> 00:28:18.386
and started receiving people of all
social and economic levels.
00:28:18.970 --> 00:28:23.219
The politicians also,
the politicians from Acre went there
00:28:23.219 --> 00:28:27.511
because the one Master Irineu supported
would always win the election.
00:28:27.803 --> 00:28:31.219
They said Master Irineu never left his chair.
00:28:31.219 --> 00:28:38.095
He would just sit there and with his thoughts
he helped to calm the person down.
00:28:38.427 --> 00:28:42.511
A black man almost 7 foot tall,
wearing 11,5 a size shoe
00:28:42.511 --> 00:28:51.761
who possibly came from those tall, giant black tribes.
So he brings this African culture.
00:28:54.261 --> 00:28:57.177
Making Ayahuasca takes time and dedication
00:28:57.803 --> 00:29:04.177
And in the context of the Brazilian Ayahuasca
religions they are very noble moments.
00:29:11.928 --> 00:29:18.135
Many scholars had already talked about
The expansion of what they called green churches.
00:29:18.511 --> 00:29:22.261
That we could see that go beyond
the Santo Daime there is União do Vegetal
00:29:22.386 --> 00:29:24.678
and the Barquinha and other institutions
00:29:24.928 --> 00:29:30.761
which use the Ayahuasca as a sacrament
of their spiritual works.
00:29:37.469 --> 00:29:41.344
It is not any person who can prepare
a drink like this, there is a ritual
00:29:41.344 --> 00:29:47.302
A harvest, the right moon, there is a diet
that people have to follow
00:29:47.302 --> 00:29:53.219
There is the clean and pure thought
there cannot be a fight or any confusion.
00:30:06.719 --> 00:30:12.552
Master Irineu is like a river that
made several tributaries
00:30:12.552 --> 00:30:17.053
One of them was Godfather Sebastião
00:30:17.177 --> 00:30:22.344
who founded what today is the Céu do Mapiá.
00:30:22.344 --> 00:30:32.261
It is a Daimist community and an important
destination for the followers of the religion.
00:30:34.053 --> 00:30:36.511
With the master's work growing
00:30:37.427 --> 00:30:44.177
and when it came to the 70's,
the history of Godfather Sebastião begins.
00:30:44.427 --> 00:30:49.719
I am the brightness of the sun,
I am the brightness of the moon,
00:30:49.803 --> 00:30:54.928
I am the brightness of the stars
because all accompany me
00:30:54.970 --> 00:30:59.761
I am the brightness of the stars
because all accompany me
00:30:59.803 --> 00:31:06.678
He already had a spiritual work, he already received
the medium surgeon Bezerra de menezes
00:31:06.761 --> 00:31:08.427
and performed the surgeries.
00:31:09.469 --> 00:31:14.386
And he receives people distant from
the rubber plantations, even from Cruzeiro do Sul
00:31:14.386 --> 00:31:18.386
3 days in a boat, and they would go there
to heal themselves with Godfather Sebastião
00:31:19.011 --> 00:31:23.552
Just a reminder that Godfather Sebastião
was the main expander of the Doctrine
00:31:23.719 --> 00:31:28.344
outside the borders of the
Amazon and of Brazil.
00:31:28.928 --> 00:31:34.053
Master Irineu was the founder and
Godfather Sebastião was its expander
00:31:34.302 --> 00:31:45.427
Before Godfather Sebastião, Santo Daime was
very limited to Rio Branco and the neighbor areas
00:31:45.678 --> 00:31:53.761
Godfather Sebastião received many foreigners
So the people who arrived there were amazed
00:31:54.053 --> 00:32:00.095
Because they were young people
in search of some meaning to life,
00:32:00.095 --> 00:32:03.261
something different from that society.
00:32:03.511 --> 00:32:09.511
And they saw that there was a society
that did not have the problems of a capitalist society
00:32:09.970 --> 00:32:15.719
Daime began to spread,
more and more people came
00:32:15.719 --> 00:32:20.095
They were telling each other.
The Godfather gave this trust vow
00:32:20.135 --> 00:32:24.219
so the Daime could reach the entire world.
00:32:34.594 --> 00:32:44.135
Brazil has a somewhat restricted positioning
regarding Ayahuasca therapeutic medical use.
00:32:44.135 --> 00:32:47.719
There is a resolution from the Federal Government
00:32:48.386 --> 00:32:53.344
That was drawn and went through
a wide process of consultancy and studies
00:32:53.344 --> 00:32:59.386
involving anthropologists and psychiatrists,
Church leaders and other members of society
00:32:59.970 --> 00:33:04.761
They concluded that the religious use of
Ayahuasca was not harmful
00:33:04.761 --> 00:33:09.219
That Ayahuasca does not cause
chemical dependency so it was authorized.
00:33:09.219 --> 00:33:12.970
The same resolution says that
the therapeutic use of Ayahuasca
00:33:13.427 --> 00:33:17.095
will only be authorized if scientific research proves
00:33:17.302 --> 00:33:21.344
the therapeutic potential that
people say Ayahuasca has.
00:33:23.344 --> 00:33:26.678
Practically all forbidden drugs have
an undesirable social group
00:33:27.261 --> 00:33:31.219
Right after alcohol was legalized in the USA
00:33:31.469 --> 00:33:36.552
there was a whole police force who where in charge of
the prohibition of alcohol that became unemployed.
00:33:37.011 --> 00:33:41.177
They quickly decided that
marijuana would be the focus
00:33:41.177 --> 00:33:45.594
Because it was this weird drug
smoked by Mexicans or by black people.
00:33:45.636 --> 00:33:48.427
In Brazil, it was smoked by black people
and by people from the northeast
00:33:48.552 --> 00:33:50.719
So there was an undesirable social group
00:33:50.928 --> 00:33:56.344
where it was easy to establish
a social control process.
00:33:56.678 --> 00:34:03.511
The hippies from the 60's were anti-warfare
and against the Vietnam war
00:34:03.886 --> 00:34:07.678
It was easier controlling the drugs they used
than controlling someone against war.
00:34:07.844 --> 00:34:13.594
In the case of the Ayahuasca,
there is no undesirable social group
00:34:14.053 --> 00:34:17.636
and that was mainly the process
in which it was regulated.
00:34:17.678 --> 00:34:23.928
A democratic process of social inclusion
that included Ayahuasca drinkers.
00:34:23.928 --> 00:34:26.427
All this process was inclusive.
00:34:26.636 --> 00:34:30.970
Social factors are important to us
to understand why Ayahuasca is legal in Brazil
00:34:31.011 --> 00:34:33.970
and legal for ritual use.
00:34:53.302 --> 00:34:55.552
Religion does not depend on Science to exist
00:34:55.552 --> 00:34:59.511
We don't have to justify each of the effects
of the Ayahuasca scientifically
00:34:59.511 --> 00:35:04.053
for people to have transforming
experiences in their lives.
00:35:04.053 --> 00:35:08.427
This is an essentially personal
element for each individual.
00:35:11.011 --> 00:35:13.511
I think there is a personal path
00:35:13.719 --> 00:35:17.011
For those who are going to die
and have this in their minds.
00:35:17.177 --> 00:35:23.344
They are looking for answers in order
to survive the awareness of this fact.
00:35:23.344 --> 00:35:29.928
And why part of this discovery process
cannot be as well a discovery of how the world works?
00:35:30.135 --> 00:35:35.636
How do molecules interact?
How do animals behave?
00:35:35.636 --> 00:35:40.095
How is it that we are such complex
animals and behave so well?
00:35:40.386 --> 00:35:44.302
For me, one thing does not exclude the other.
There has to be the precision of science in science.
00:35:44.719 --> 00:35:49.970
But we don't need science to prove religion
or science to disapprove it.
00:37:02.135 --> 00:37:06.928
I have always imagined God as a figure of a man
00:37:07.575 --> 00:37:08.849
A figure of a father
00:37:09.723 --> 00:37:11.796
A very punishing father
00:37:14.168 --> 00:37:17.890
I think that was the reason I was never
really able to speak to my father.
00:37:21.411 --> 00:37:25.657
I really wanted for Ayahuasca to solve
all the issues I have with my father
00:37:26.931 --> 00:37:30.127
The entire cowardliness I have of not being
able to speak to my father
00:37:30.402 --> 00:37:33.045
of not feeling comfortable in his presence.
00:37:33.974 --> 00:37:38.369
But Ayahuasca made it clear
that it wouldn't do that for me.
00:37:41.177 --> 00:37:46.011
I didn't know how to give you
the love you needed
00:37:46.135 --> 00:37:53.427
I feel that when you get close to me,
there is a fear that I also have.
00:37:53.427 --> 00:37:56.719
It is a fear we have of one another
I don't know why.
00:37:57.427 --> 00:38:02.053
It was the way you were raised
and how I was raised
00:38:02.761 --> 00:38:06.427
and we unfortunately
couldn't make it right in time
00:38:06.469 --> 00:38:10.803
But I never had my father's support
00:38:12.219 --> 00:38:15.844
I don't want to crucify him,
But he was always a step back,
00:38:15.844 --> 00:38:20.053
he wanted us to study at any cost
00:38:20.053 --> 00:38:23.177
But without to spending money on our education.
00:38:23.552 --> 00:38:35.636
After all the difficulties I went through
with graduation, my marriage,
00:38:36.552 --> 00:38:43.844
after all that, I wanted perfection with you guys.
I wanted you to be perfect
00:38:44.552 --> 00:38:49.177
But I didn't have my father's support.
He didn't even go to my wedding.
00:38:49.344 --> 00:38:50.678
Why did he not go to your wedding?
00:38:51.177 --> 00:38:52.386
He didn't want to.
00:38:55.761 --> 00:38:58.761
– Is this a weight?
– It meant a lot.
00:39:06.386 --> 00:39:09.053
He didn't let my mother go
00:39:12.261 --> 00:39:13.761
I feel so sorry about that
00:39:14.761 --> 00:39:16.427
It meant a lot to me
00:39:18.970 --> 00:39:21.719
So, I was alone in that period
00:39:22.636 --> 00:39:28.053
Greice was born and right after
we went on with life.
00:39:28.511 --> 00:39:34.177
We worked a lot
and then you came.
00:39:35.427 --> 00:39:40.261
I remember that when you were little
I was able to hug you
00:39:44.302 --> 00:39:47.469
and kiss you.
00:39:48.636 --> 00:39:52.011
When you grew up
I couldn't anymore
00:39:52.678 --> 00:39:55.636
That was a huge weight in my life.
00:39:56.886 --> 00:39:59.511
Ah, but it's okay
00:40:00.803 --> 00:40:03.552
It's life.
Life is not only joy.
00:41:58.135 --> 00:42:00.886
The Shamanism is not only indigenous people.
00:42:01.261 --> 00:42:05.386
It goes through them as well,
but I am talking about the time men were nomads.
00:42:08.928 --> 00:42:12.302
It is important to say that
Shamanism is not a religion.
00:42:12.886 --> 00:42:15.135
But it is a set of religious practices
00:42:15.427 --> 00:42:17.469
Not an institutionalized religion
00:42:17.844 --> 00:42:22.386
like Christianity, which has a master, Christ.
00:42:22.386 --> 00:42:26.011
Buddhism has Buddha
Taoism has Lao-Tse.
00:42:26.177 --> 00:42:31.803
Shamanism has the sun, the moon,
stars, wind, earth, fire, water and air.
00:42:32.344 --> 00:42:36.761
It is common in all these people
that made these earth medicines
00:42:36.844 --> 00:42:40.719
The mastery of fire,
the flight of the soul,
00:42:40.719 --> 00:42:45.552
the altered states of consciousness
and the lucid dreams.
00:42:45.552 --> 00:42:47.427
This is all part of the Shamanism world
00:42:47.552 --> 00:42:51.219
there is no point in limiting
something that is extremely broad.
00:42:51.636 --> 00:42:55.599
We are talking maybe about the
cell matter of medicine.
00:42:57.110 --> 00:43:00.235
There a very important theme in psychiatry.
00:43:00.235 --> 00:43:07.694
Psychiatry still views mental disorder almost exclusively
as concerning the patient as individual.
00:43:08.110 --> 00:43:11.652
In Shamanism, the native american cultures
00:43:11.736 --> 00:43:20.861
Their conceptions of a mental disorder is a problem
of the collective that affects the community.
00:43:20.861 --> 00:43:26.653
They conceive all of this as evil spirits,
spirits that bring illnesses and that affect everything
00:43:26.819 --> 00:43:29.028
If we stop to think carefully
00:43:29.153 --> 00:43:33.362
when a person has depression,
the family is affected
00:43:33.570 --> 00:43:37.945
marriage is affected, children are affected,
the community is affected.
00:43:37.945 --> 00:43:41.445
It affects the person's life in their company,
the company can suffer
00:43:41.528 --> 00:43:44.862
Because the patient is not being productive,
is not handling it.
00:43:44.904 --> 00:43:47.446
So it is in fact a collective issue.
00:43:51.196 --> 00:43:52.780
The great truth is that...
00:43:53.613 --> 00:43:59.404
I am sorry by whoever is touched
by these words, but the system...
00:43:59.404 --> 00:44:04.238
we have today and which we live in,
is not made for people to be happy.
00:44:04.821 --> 00:44:08.322
The system was made for
some people to be happy, not for all.
00:44:08.946 --> 00:44:13.405
Few people can say I am thoroughly happy.
00:44:14.113 --> 00:44:21.322
Aristotle said: the authentic happiness
comes from an individual
00:44:21.447 --> 00:44:27.822
who can put into practice and
express the totality of your gifts and talents
00:44:27.822 --> 00:44:29.822
or in other words,
the person does what she wants.
00:44:29.822 --> 00:44:31.822
And likes to do.
00:44:44.406 --> 00:44:50.698
Ayahuasca at this table
00:44:53.281 --> 00:44:58.990
Add all fragrances
00:45:01.907 --> 00:45:07.199
And the ancestral chants
00:45:10.324 --> 00:45:16.574
Going on showing the wonders
00:45:20.741 --> 00:45:26.991
But it also shows the shadows
00:45:31.033 --> 00:45:35.991
It is the power to transform
00:47:23.205 --> 00:47:25.412
We have a very cool relationship
00:47:26.038 --> 00:47:29.163
It is a father-son relationship, you know?
00:47:29.246 --> 00:47:35.871
But I have this problem of holding him
and giving him love and everything.
00:47:36.121 --> 00:47:40.705
I have already studied a lot and searched
a lot to understand these issues with you and your son.
00:47:40.914 --> 00:47:43.288
he must be feeling this difficult you know?
00:47:43.538 --> 00:47:47.413
And you have seen that it
goes from generation to generation.
00:47:47.622 --> 00:47:50.455
Do you think your father didn't want
to live with affection Fausto?
00:47:50.497 --> 00:47:53.164
Don't continue what we have
already seen in the past
00:47:53.206 --> 00:47:57.414
If you have seen a mistake in the relationship
you had with your father.
00:47:57.414 --> 00:48:00.623
Make the difference, change,
make your history.
00:48:18.457 --> 00:48:20.123
Everyone has a guiding voice.
00:48:20.499 --> 00:48:22.915
In the strength of Ayahuasca
it becomes clear.
00:48:24.165 --> 00:48:28.457
It asked me if I was really ready
for this new consciousness
00:48:29.248 --> 00:48:33.415
It told me I would have problems,
maybe even bigger ones than before.
00:48:33.791 --> 00:48:37.582
So it told me I had become
a master of my experiences.
00:48:37.832 --> 00:48:42.749
And that I would have to choose between
continuing to be a master of everything I saw
00:48:43.291 --> 00:48:45.333
or an apprentice of what is yet to come.
00:48:53.500 --> 00:48:56.666
I think it's important that my
father is more loving.
00:48:56.875 --> 00:49:01.792
Because then I will be more loving
and we can go on our journey.
00:49:02.583 --> 00:49:05.666
New stuff like that.
Leave the shallowness.
00:49:11.917 --> 00:49:14.292
The expansion of the consciousness
is something that...
00:49:14.709 --> 00:49:18.292
Frightens a lot the society
and the way it is established.
00:49:19.417 --> 00:49:22.918
thats why they banned psychedelics in the 70's
they were not illegal
00:49:23.001 --> 00:49:26.001
they were substances that were there
00:49:26.001 --> 00:49:32.001
set out to be worked by humanity
in the best possible before the prohibition.
00:49:33.043 --> 00:49:36.251
They were not banned for no reason.
00:49:36.543 --> 00:49:43.210
In a society that is still much focused
in who is better than the other is.
00:49:43.377 --> 00:49:46.710
The one who wins is good,
not the one who cooperates.
00:49:46.794 --> 00:49:48.502
There is still too much focus on this idea.
00:49:48.543 --> 00:49:53.335
It brought us to a place where we are now
We are living an existential crossroad
00:49:54.919 --> 00:50:01.086
Our conflicts, at home, with our relatives
as well as between nations.
00:50:01.544 --> 00:50:04.002
They are connected to our mental models.
00:50:04.211 --> 00:50:09.461
So these are the signs that his
mental model is exhausted
00:50:09.503 --> 00:50:11.586
I went to Acre, I am from Rio
00:50:11.628 --> 00:50:14.419
Because I thought I was going
to participate in the armed revolution.
00:50:14.419 --> 00:50:18.920
I was going to work with communities
and when I first got to know the Daime
00:50:18.920 --> 00:50:22.170
I realized that the great revolution
is your own evolution.
00:50:22.544 --> 00:50:26.711
Do you know who you are? What you are doing here?
What is your mission?
00:50:28.295 --> 00:50:31.379
Of everything I live,
everything I see.
00:50:31.796 --> 00:50:34.796
I would like to be like the sun,
I would like to be like the moon
00:50:34.796 --> 00:50:38.796
I would like to be like this wish
I have made to the moon, I want to shine
00:50:39.462 --> 00:50:41.462
I want to be eternal as the moon
00:50:41.462 --> 00:50:45.171
I want to shine, and I want to be great.
00:50:45.504 --> 00:50:51.505
Great in a good sense,
great in the sense of light, great in love
00:50:52.754 --> 00:50:57.505
There goes the rich guy there: I want love,
how much can I take from love?
00:50:57.505 --> 00:51:02.171
You do not take from love, you have to live love,
you have to deserve love.
00:51:03.421 --> 00:51:12.005
And in this path, spirituality
gives you people, feelings, charm
00:51:12.005 --> 00:51:14.005
it gives life, the world to you.
00:51:21.798 --> 00:51:25.172
There are people who have material assets.
00:51:25.172 --> 00:51:30.464
I have this, I have that, but the person is
afraid of lightning, afraid of the dark.
00:51:30.464 --> 00:51:35.006
Weren't you great? Weren't you powerful?
Weren't you handsome?
00:51:35.298 --> 00:51:36.756
Where is your courage?
00:51:39.631 --> 00:51:43.673
It is amazing how we can feel the love passing
00:51:43.673 --> 00:51:47.173
when you have your channels opened it
00:51:49.882 --> 00:51:53.256
is a lot of peace, it is a lot of love.
00:51:57.423 --> 00:52:03.132
Script and Direction - Fausto Noro
Distributor: Pragda Films
Length: 52 minutes
Date: 2018
Genre: Expository
Language: Portuguese
Grade: High School, College, Adults
Closed Captioning: Available
The is title is available for licensing on the Pragda STREAM site.
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